

Is synthetic THC considered a drug?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Yes. The source is irrelevant.

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Q: Is synthetic THC considered a drug?
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Is there any THC in spice?

No there is no THC in spice. Spices is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC but it will not come up in a drug test.

Will synthetic THC show up in a lab drug test?

Yes. I an guessing you mean Hash or something similar by saying synthetic marijuana. A marijuana drug test is looking for the metabolite of THC. So if the drug has THC in it, which is what gets you high in marijuana, then it will show up in a drug test.

Will super kush show up on a drug test?

"Super Kush"? If it's synthetic, then no. If it contains THC, then yes.

Does k2 show up in your drug test?

The active ingredient, JWH-018, is a synthetic cannabinoid, and exists in different products from 0.2% to 3%. As a synthetic alternative to THC, also a cannabinoid, it can trip a positive in a drug test.

Can smoking K2 show in a 4 panal drug test?

No K2 does not show up in a drug test. I believe that there is only one lab that can test for it and the test is pretty expensive. K2 uses synthetic THC to mimic real THC.

Can you fail a drug test froM smoking voodoo remix?

No because it's synthetic THC. So it won't show up as marijuana

What will clean your system for THC?

Because covering up THC for a drug test is considered illegal, you'll have to find this answer somewhere else.

Is there THC in Cesamet?

Cesamet contains a synthetic version of THC.

Does black magic contain THC?

black magic does not contain any drugs tested for in urine tests. it contains synthetic THC analogs that have similar effects to the drug but are unrelated chemically.

What is the name of the prescription drug that is a synthetic version of THC?

There are a couple different kinds on the market. however, a pretty common one is called Marinol

What is k2 the drug made out of?

K2 is also known as synthetic cannabis. It is made from natural herbs that mimic THC. The herbs are sprayed with synthetic chemicals that can cause the user to experience a psychosis. It is very unsafe to use.

Does the legal weed show up on dipstick drug test?

If you are talking about synthetic marijuana then, no, it will not show up on a drug test. If you are talking about medical marijuana which some people refer to as legal, then no, it is not. If it is the synthetic, it has no thc, it makes you high through a number of different chemicals that are horrible for your mind and body.