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Yes, I use it all the time. It's a great alternative to paying the contract price of an iPhone although you must have wifi to use it.

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Q: Is talkatone safe for iPod touch?
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Is gamecenter on iPod touch safe?

I think it is safe

Is jailbreaking your iPod safe?

Yes and no. According to those who did jailbreak their iPod Touch, they say it is safe to do it. Though, the hardcore facts say that is isn't safe because it voids your warranty, and could cause software corruption in your iPod and could possibly make your iPod useless. It is a risk to jailbreak your iPod Touch, but according to those who did it, if you do it correctly it is safe.

Is Selena Gomez Verizon Wireless?

Actully she don't have a phone. She has Talkatone a text free app on her iPod.

Are iPod touches safe?

What exactly do you mean by safe... Can the iPod touch get viruses from websites? No. Does the iPod Touch have small pieces that can break off and be swallowed by a small child? No. Will the iPod Touch wake up in the middle of the night, sneak through the house and steal your wallet?... I highly doubt it. iPod Touch has stable software that is not invasive or damaging to your computer in anyway. I have been using my iPod Touch 3G since they came out and have never had any problems with it.

Is it safe to hack your iPod Touch?

Yes because I've done it :)

Is jailbreaking an iPod illigal?

As of today (November 24th, 2010), jailbreaking an iPod Touch is not illegal. Is it 100% safe? No.

What is a app that turns your ipod into a phone and you dont need money for anything?

Talkatone uses google voice to give free phone capabilities to ipod touch, and textfree with voice does the same thing, but you have to download free apps to earn talking minutes for it. If you have someone call your textfree number, however, its 100% free unlimited talking time I have added some links to apps that allow you to call on an iPod touch.

How secure is Wi-Fi for the ipod touch?

Wi-Fi is completely secure for your iPod Touch. It would be best if you have a locked router that needs a password, but it is completely safe.

Is it safe to play ipod touch while charging it?

Yes.. But the hotness that it makes can burn the hardware of your iPod so.. Its your choice...

What would happen if SpringBoard crashes?

on an iPod touch, if Springboard crashes, it'll reset your iPod and put it into safe mode. Like a computer goes into when it crashes and you restart it. The only difference is that you can work with ANYTHING in safe mode on your ipod touch, which is necessarily the iPods state after springboard crashing.

Is it safe to make in-app purchase on iPod Touch?

Probably because I do it all the time...

How do you unlock Pantene storage safe on iPod touch?

Use this code as the EAN: 0080878008247