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technology is a bad" thing in the sense that it creates an unsustainable evolution of mankind in which we find ourselves so dependant on technology that if we were to be without it, the human race would not be able to survive... Although it is a long way off, eventually humans will loose their basic natural survival instincts and be completely incapable of living in the natural environment for which we were designed because we will have adapted to a technological world. For example, if someone were to launch an EMP at the U.S. military, most of it's firepower would be rendered useless and they would be overcome and defeated by guerrilla soldiers who had been forced to learn to live without technology and had learnt to live naturally Eventually, there will no longer be people such as guerrilla soldiers, who can thrive without technology, because it will become so readily available.

On the other hand however, technology is great in the short term because it makes our live so much easier... Imagine living without television, fridges or dishwashers (and if you can bear to imagine it...A world without X-Box). The only risk is that we find ourselves suddenly without technology, say; the oil runs out and there isn't another source of energy, or perhaps the entire world's computers are made useless by a huge computer virus. A smaller scale, microcosm of this, might be as simple as going for a walk and forgetting the hand held satellite navigation. If we had never had a sat nav, we would have learned to use the sun and time to tell us which direction to walk to civilisation. But if you were dependant on it, you may find yourself standing in the middle of nowhere, with no way to get help.

My point being that technology is excellent assuming we are never without it, but i think we should learn to live without technology to some extent, so that we will never find ourselves helplessly dependant upon it.

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