

Is telling someone you have a gun a threat?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It can be construed as a threat. States have different laws, so what can be done about it depends on your state's law.

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Q: Is telling someone you have a gun a threat?
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It can be Howeverthe term is more likely to be used by a third party warning you of a threat.

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You are telling someone they cannot defend their life from someone bigger, younger and stronger. That is pretty bad.

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The benifit of a gun in your house is if someone breaks in your house you have the right to shoot him. the benifit to carry a gun is if something happens and your in a bank and it gets robbed or someone tries to rob you you have the right to stop thet threat

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Anytime he or she feels there is a threat or is pulling someone over on a felony warrant.

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Facilitated murder is knowingly assisting someone in committing a murder. A solid example is a friend asking you for a gun and telling you that it will be used to kill someone. If you give him the gun and he does kill someone you have successfully facilitated a murder.

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No unless he/she mentions hurting someone _______________ The person does not have to say anything. If someone fires a gun at you, or even just points it at you, they are a threat, regardless of whether they have said anything.

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by pulling a gun on it

What should a police officer do when confronting a suicidal person that has a gun that is not posing a threat to the police officer?

Any person with a gun has the potential to be a threat to a police officer. A suicidal person with a gun in their hand is a significant threat. If the gun is pointed at the officer, he would be justified in trying to stop the imminent threat. If the gun is not pointed at the officer, the officer should have his weapon at the ready, and take cover.

Can you point a gun at someone that trespassing on?

Laws of lethal force vary by state, but, in most states, the answer is going to be no, unless an imminent threat exists.