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Q: Is terro ant killer poisonous to humans?
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What if your 4 pound dog eats terro ant killer?

It will not harm dogs cats or humans. ck the web site it's made with borax and a sweetener

Where can I purchase ant killer that works?

An ant killer that would get of them for good would be Raid Ant Killer. It is very powerful.

What do you do after dog throws up from ingesting ant killer?

It depends on the ant trap you are using. My dog ate a Terro ant trap. I went to the manufacturers website and it said that the ant traps are made with a substance similar to pancake syrup and borax (a mineral used in stuff like soap). It said that there is not enough to harm a human, dog, or cat. My advice would be to check with the manufacturer, as this took me less than 2 minutes and cleared up the confusion I was getting from the multiple forums I read. If you are using a Terro ant trap do as another post said and try to get your dog to eat the ants.

How do you get ants out of the car?

Purchse Ant Terro bait traps and place them in the car. The ants will enter the traps and die. Works every time.

How do you kill an ant without ant killer?


MSDS sheets for Ortho ant and roach killer?

Ortho Max Ant and Roach Killer MSDS

Can raid ant killer kill a squirrel?

Raid Ant Killer can kill whatever you choose, yes, that does include squirrels!

Are ant mimic spiders poisonous?

No, the ant mimic spider is not poisonous. It can inflict a painful bite which can cause a mild reaction but they do not have toxic venom.

Is there such thing as a poisonous wasp?

Red ants are not poisonous. Whilst they may be very irratating, and sitting on a red ants nest is far from pleasurable, red ants are not poisonous to humans. Red ants are aggressive and territorial, but to humans no real threat.

What do you get when you add an ant eater with a giant killer ant?

An ironic way to die.

What sort of ant is black and orange and its bite stings like fire?

Cow Killer Ant or Velvet Ant

What ant can kill a small dog?

the oversized killer soldier ant of Brazil.