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No testicular torsion is when the spermatic chord gets twisted and cut off the blood supply to the teste, if it isn't treated VERY quickly the teste dies and begins to get gangrenous. Testicular cancer is a cancerous growth of one or both teste.

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9y ago

Torsion is not related to cancer. Torsion is classified as an injury whereas cancer is a disease. Though, there is a disease (deformity fairly common) called bell clapper deformity. This is a deformity where the tunica vaginalis (covering of the testis) is not fully anchored to the scrotal wall. This allows for extra movement of one or both testis. This is most commonly seen in infants and those going through puberty. Cancer, however of the testicle, is a little more on the rare scale along with torsion. Not much is known about what risk factors are for testicular cancer. Both conditions are of their own accord. Both are very curable to a point. Torsion: within 6 hours of the incident, the testicles survival rate diminishes after about 5. Cancer: if caught early enough, is highly curable as well. In conclusion, dont worry about these conditions too much. Just keep a regular eye (monthly examnine) unless there is a sudden change or sudden severe pain.

Sorry for the chapterbook of a response lol

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It could be a cyst on the epididymus, or testicular torsion. But go and see your doctor to make certain what the problem is, testicular cancer is treatable but if it is left untreated it can kill.

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to reposition undescended testes (orchiopexy); to correct testicular torsion ; to treat testicular cancer, which may involve removal of the testicles (castration) or the testes (orchiectomy); to treat traumatic injuries of the testicles; and.

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What is the medical term for twisting of the spermatic cord?

The medical term for twisting of the spermatic cord is testicular torsion. It is considered a medical emergency because it can result in decreased blood flow to the testicle and lead to tissue damage if not treated promptly. Symptoms include sudden onset of severe testicular pain and swelling.

Does testicular torsion reduces the one's age?

Testicular torsion most commonly occurs in teenagers and young adults. The risk does decrease as the person ages, but this is because testicular torsion usually occurs during exercise and young men tend to exercise more than other age groups.

Is testicular torsion painful?

Testicular torsion gives you one of the most severe type of pain. When scrotal pain is not relieved by diclofenac injection, you go for ultrasound examination of your scrotum.

What is the disorder that involves the twisting of the spermatic cord?

Testicular torsion

Can microwaves give testicular cancer?

no it cannot give testicular cancer

What connection does testicular cancer have to heredity?

Family history of testicular cancer.

What condition is one testicle twisted out of its normal position?

Testicular torsion

Is testicular torsion a sports injury?

yes, though it depends in which context

What are the chances of having a testicular torsion twice?

If you have already had it, there is a high chance you are more prone to it and Torsion may happen again