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Q: Is the Athabasca lake freshwater or salt water?
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Is Lake Garda salt water?

No, it is definitely a freshwater lake!

Does lake mead have salt water?

its a freshwater lake

Is a lake salt water or freshwater?

Lakes will usually have freshwater.

Does a lake have salt?

Some do, it depends on the type of lake that it is. There are freshwater lakes, and salt water lakes!

Does the lake have salt water in it?

No, all LAKES are freshwater. OCEANS are saltwater. Lake Michigan is a freshwater lake, but the answer above is false. See, for example, or

What is the difference from a lake vs sea?

A lake has freshwater and the sea has salt water.

Is Lake Michigan considered a salt water body?

No, Lake Michigan is a freshwater water lake. As a matter of fact it has the largest freshwater dune system in the world.

What is the difference between a salt water lake and an inland sea?

a salt water lake has a freshwater inlet but and inland sea has no inlet.

What must a lake have to be a freshwater lake?

There is salt in every lake, river and stream in the hydrosphere. But the water in a lake is still freshwater because the concentration of the salt in most freshwater is extremely low, so it isn't noticable. Most lakes rivers and streams exchange water with other sources, and they also receive surface runoff, and groundwater flow, so the water is constantly being diluted. So a lake must either receive groudwater flow or surface runoff to contain freshwater.

What are the difference between fresh water and salt water biome?

freshwater lake has no salt and saltwater has many salt particles

Why is it easier to float in the Great Salt Lake in Utah then it is in a regular freshwater lake?

Because the water of Great Salt Lake is very dense.

Is Lake Ontario salt water?

Lake Ontario is salted because I came in it.