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Jesus states that God's Word is Truth (John 17:17).

And Paul writes: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God..." (II Tim.3:16).

However, that would be the originally inspired manuscripts and not necessarily the subsequent translations into other languages. While the original authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit... later translators, while sincere and dedicated in their work, had to be very discerning and diligent to achieve the correct meanings and intent.

Some later translations also didn't use original manuscripts entirely, but relied on other former translations to assist them.

So, while The Bible is true... not all translations are entirely "correct" (in fact, I dare say that no translation is entirely correct). Comparing with other Bible versions as you read can't hurt in some cases in coming to the right understanding of some passages, as well as consulting certain studies of some Bible scholars.

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the same as the Hans christain Anderson fairytales and popular Disney classics


According to God it is.

"...Thy Word is Truth..." (John 17:17).

Answer:I believe the Bible is reliable because of many different reasons. You can see some of them in the link below. Answer:Depends on what you read. It's a historical document in some parts and the rest is hearsay. It's like always with religion - it's what you choose to believe in.

but if you were to follow the bible than 80% of the earths population would be wiped out... why just read the bible i mean if every kid who disobeys their parents would be stoned to death, every person who has feelings for someone other than their wife, every person who works on Sunday, and every person who steals should also be stoned to death than how many people would be alive today. i mean really go to a gas station on Sunday. if we follow the bible the people working there would be dead. got to say the bank or Walmart or a food store... all dead. and soon there would be no adults because every child passed the age of 2 has atleast done something to disobey their parents like cry when you wouldn't buy them something... we would have to bring them into the center of town and throw rocks at them right???

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