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If the "Code of Whites" refers to anything racial, then I can answer definitively that no, the code of whites is NOT enforced in the Mormon Church. The Church turned its back on all racial issues in 1970, and they have not looked back.

If the "Code of Whites" has something to do with the white clothing that Mormons wear under their street clothes or in the temple, then I have no idea, and this answer should be copied to the discussion page, so that this question will appear unanswered for further contributors.

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Q: Is the Code of Whites still enforced in the Mormon church?
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Is there a branch of Mormons with different beliefs than the original Mormon church?

I'm just learning about the mormons religon but I do not thank they have a differnet beleif then any other mormons. They come from all around to teach us the good and great , powerful lord , jesus christ & will all ways do the same belief to all persons of the relgion. -------- another answer: There are many small groups which have split off from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) for different reasons. Some people still consider members of these groups Mormon because they still believe in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith, however there are some major differences between them and the original mainstream Mormon church. The largest of these breakoff groups are the Community of Christ, the FLDS, and the Apostolic United Brethren. The Mormon Church considers these to be apostate groups and does not accept them as Mormon.

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Is julieanne hough a jack Mormon?

I don't think that Julianne Hough could be classified as a "Jack Mormon". A "Jack Mormon" is usually someone that is a.) a member who attends meetings but doesn't necessarily live the lifestyle of a Mormon, perhaps they drink coffee, smoke, or dress immodestly but still participate in their congregation; or b.) a non-member who often participates with and supports their local Mormon congregation although they are not officially Mormon. Generally, the lifestyles of both types of "Jack Mormons" are very similar, the only difference is their membership status. Julianne Hough is more accurately considered a non-practicing or inactive Mormon. While she is still officially a member of the Church and has not requested that her name be removed from Church records, she does not participate in congregation services or live the lifestyle expected of a Mormon. She has less affiliation and participation with the church than a "Jack Mormon" would. Most likely she would say that she was raised Mormon, but no longer practices the faith.

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No, it is not true. I'm Mormon and plenty of my Mormon friends have left the church and are still welcome with their families. Other members of the families might be disappointed (as is the case with any religious family,) but ultimately we are taught that family is important and you should love them no matter what their choices are. Also, even if someone has left the Church, they are welcome at any time to participate in worship services and activities, just as all members of the public are. Church members strive to emulate Jesus Christ - who said that we should love everyone! They do NOT 'exile' or 'shun' people. Someone who is "excommunicated" from the Church has simply had their name taken off the official records of the Church. They are still welcome to participate in Church services and activities.