

Is the Esophagus chemical or me-chemical?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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in esophagus mechanical process takes place because here the break down of food materials takes place.

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Q: Is the Esophagus chemical or me-chemical?
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What is the chemical of esophagus?

Esophagus is an anatomy organ and hasn't a chemical formula.

Is esophagus mechanical or chemical?


How does the esophagus perform mechanical digestion?

Peristalsis. The movement of muscles bringing the food to the stomach.

Is the esophagus is involved in chemical digestion?

The esophagus has a physical break down. The esophagus squeezes the food down into the stomach, making this a physical break down.

Is there any chemical digestion that takes place in the esophagus?

Yes there is, because chemical is the saliva and you swallow the saliva.

Is the esophagus chemical digestion or mechanical digestion?

No chemical or mechanical digestion occurs in the esophagus, only propulsion, which is one of the six digestive processes.

What is the physical change in food when it enters the esophagus?

the physical change in the change in food when the enters esophagus is when it has a chemical breakdown in your mouth with a mechanical breakdown the chemical breakdown is when your salivia is making the food moist the mechanical is when you chew the food so it easier for it to enter the esophagus and so the salivia can get it moist then your esophagus uses muscles to push the food down into your stomache

Why isn't the esophagus an active member of the digestive system chemically?

Because it does not contain any chemical substance

What is the importance of the pharynx and esophagus in the digestive process?

While the pharynx and esophagus do not perform any mechanical or chemical digestive processes, they provide a critical service for the digestive system. They move food from the mouth to the stomach.

What is the importance of the pharynx and the esophagus in the digestive process?

While the pharynx and esophagus do not perform any mechanical or chemical digestive processes, they provide a critical service for the digestive system. They move food from the mouth to the stomach.

What is the importance of the pharynx and the esophagus in the digestion process?

While the pharynx and esophagus do not perform any mechanical or chemical digestive processes, they provide a critical service for the digestive system. They move food from the mouth to the stomach.

Where in the body does chemical digestion take place and they are controlled by?

Chemical digestion occurs through out the digestive tract with the possible exception of the esophagus. It is regulated by enzymes that help speed it up.