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Q: Is the Hubble a galaxy a star a telescope or a spacecraft?
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What does hubble space telescope see?

Hubble space telescope sees very detailed pictures of the happenings in the cosmos like very detailed pictures of a death of a star.

What astronomy word begins with h?

Helium, Hydrogen (elements in stars and planets). Hubble (astronomer and telescope). Hercules (constellation) Heliocentric theory. Hypergiant (star). HR diagram.

What galaxy looks like an amoeba?

The Centaurus A galaxy is often described as resembling an amoeba due to its peculiar shape, with a disc-like central region surrounded by a distorted dust lane that gives it an asymmetric appearance. This distortion is caused by interactions with a smaller galaxy that it is in the process of merging with.

What was the Hubble telescope once called?

Before being named after astronomer Edwin Hubble, HST was known during development as the Large Orbiting Telescope, or Large Space Telescope. This is not uncommon for NASA; the current successor to HST, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), was originally named NGST - Next Generation Space Telescope, a nod to Star Trek.

What has the Hubble space telescope discovered in space?

Because of Hubble, we now know how big and how old the universe is. Hubble also proved the existence of Black holes and showed there are many of them. It examined the composition of a world around another star.

How do you discover star thorough the telescope sims 3?

Wait till its dark then search the galaxy

What is an orphan star?

An orphan star is a rogue star that drifts through space without being gravitationally bound to any specific galaxy or star cluster. These stars are typically formed through interactions such as mergers or close encounters within a star cluster, causing them to be ejected.

Why couldn't early astronomers tell the difference between single stars and the entire galaxies when the looked at the night sky?

Unless you have a extremely powerful telescope, a galaxy and a star look almost the same.

What other galaxies are in the universe?

We don't have any idea how many there are. Hundreds of billions, certainly, and probably far more. Each galaxy contains hundreds of billions of stars. Some of the most astonishing photos generated by the Hubble Space Telescope were the Hubble Deep Field observations. Scientists pointed the Hubble Space Telescope toward a tiny patch of the sky that seemed absolutely empty of stars. It turns out that in this star-less spot, smaller than a grain of sand held at arm's length, the Hubble saw thousands of galaxies. See the link below for a video of the discovery.

What is the name of the telescope that was sent out in space so it could see sharper and clearer images of planets star and deep space?

The telescope sent into space to capture sharper and clearer images of planets, stars, and deep space is called the Hubble Space Telescope.

What galxay is the star alpha ceti in?

It's in the Milky Way galaxy, along with every other individual star that you can see without a telescope.

What was the hubble space telescope's first picture?

The first picture was the Star Cluster NGC 3532 taken on May 20, 1990. You can see it in related links.