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Q: Is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus constelltion?
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What part of the Taurus constellation is Subaru named after?

Subaru is named after the Pleiades, a star cluster within the Taurus constellation. The name comes from Japanese, where the Pleiades are known as Subaru.

In which major constellation are the Pleiades found?

The Pleiades are found in the constellation of Taurus. Taurus is one of the zodiac constellations and is known for its bright stars and easily recognizable V-shape, with the Pleiades cluster located within this grouping.

What is the open cluster of stars visible in the constellation of Taurus?

The open cluster of stars visible in the constellation of Taurus is the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. It is one of the closest star clusters to Earth and is easily visible to the naked eye. The Pleiades cluster contains hundreds of hot, young stars formed within the last 100 million years.

A cluster of stars near Taurus?

The cluster of stars near Taurus is likely the Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters. It is easily visible to the naked eye and is one of the nearest star clusters to Earth, located about 444 light-years away. The Pleiades cluster consists of hot, young stars that formed together from the same cloud of gas and dust.

What does the word Subaru mean in japanese?

The word 'subaru' refers to the Pleiades, (or "Seven Sisters"), an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. This is the origin for the Subaru automobile company's name, and explains their logo.

What does ditloid 7 s in the p mean?

7 stars in the pleiades**The Pleiades, also known as M45 or the Seven Sisters, is the name of an open cluster in the constellation of Taurus.

What are the Pleiades also known as?

The star cluster called Pleiades is also known as the Seven Sisters. It's scientific name is Messier 45, is in the constellation Taurus and the closest star cluster to Earth. The cluster is also called Maia Nebula, after one of the stars.

What is pleiades' alcyone?

Alcyone is a prominent star in the Pleiades star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. It is one of the brightest stars in the cluster and is often used as a reference point for observing other stars in the Pleiades.

What constellation is named the seven sisters?

The constellation named the Seven Sisters is called the Pleiades. It is a star cluster located in the Taurus constellation and is visible in the night sky from most parts of the world. The Pleiades is also known as the Seven Sisters in Greek mythology.

In which major constellation are the seven sisters found?

The seven sisters, also known as the Pleiades, are found in the constellation of Taurus. The Pleiades is one of the closest star clusters to Earth and is easily visible to the naked eye in the night sky.

Where is pleiades in the winter sky?

In the winter sky, the Pleiades star cluster can be found in the constellation of Taurus. Look towards the southeast to locate this beautiful group of stars, also known as the Seven Sisters. Pleiades is easily spotted with the naked eye on clear nights.

In which major constellation are the Pleiades or seven sisters found?

The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, are found in the constellation of Taurus. Taurus is one of the zodiac constellations and is known for its bright star clusters like the Pleiades.