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Q: Is the KKK still alive
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How did the KKK end and who led that to an end?

...No the KKK is still very alive...

Where did the KKK fall in history?

The KKK was originally organized following the Civil War in the late 19th century, and it still exists today in the 21st century.They are still alive and killing but less in numbers and mostly just in Alabama

Will the KKK still kill you?


Is some people from the KKK still alive?

Unfortunatly, the Ku Klux Klan is alive and opperating in the US, especially in the South. Fortunatly, the number of members is lower than in decades past, and their power is far diminished.

Do KKK's still live?


When did the KKK start and is it still going on?

I believe KKK started when the civil war ended, and yes they are still around today, particularly in the south.

When was the KKK in Indiana?

...It's still here

Does the KKK still hang people?

Nope it's illegal today. They can't hurt nobody that goes for all race. But the kkk still exict.

What stoped wegener from proving that the continents were once together?

One key factor that stopped Wegener from fully proving his theory of continental drift was the lack of a plausible mechanism to explain how continents could move. Additionally, Wegener faced resistance from the scientific community who were skeptical of his ideas based on the limited evidence he presented at the time. Lastly, the technological advancements necessary to provide compelling evidence for his theory, such as satellite mapping and deep-sea drilling, were not available during Wegener's time.

Is the KKK still in Indiana?

No, it started in Pulaski, TN

Is the KKK still active in Utah?

As a lifelong citizen of Utah, I swear that I have never heard about any dealings of the KKK in Utah.

What year did the KKK disappear?

The KKK still exhists today. So technically, they have never dissapeared.