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Made out of buffalo fur and beads.

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Q: Is the Lakota clothes made out of grass?
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How did the washoe Indians make their clothes?

they made their clothes out of shells and grass like clam shells or other shells in ceremonies headdress with feathers from bird such as owls and woodpeckers.

What are the natural reuses of Lakota tribe?

grass,trees,water,animals,bones,feathers,animal skins

What did Sioux call clothes?

The Lakota word for clothing or clothes is hayapi or hayake or oigluze. The word wokhoyake refers to any special set of clothes, fancy dress or ornaments worn with clothing.

What does lemuel gulliver wear in Gulliver's Travels?

In "Gulliver's Travels," Lemuel Gulliver wears a variety of outfits depending on the different places he visits during his travels. In Lilliput, he wears clothes made of woven grass. In Brobdingnag, he wears clothes woven from individual blades of grass, and in Laputa, he wears garments made of silk and around ten yards of cloth.

Was grass use for the making of clothes in the stone age?

Yes, and Polynesians still make grass skirts!

What is the Lakota to English translation for wonunicun?

A mistake has been made

What is a grass stain made of?

grass stain is made up of a stain from grass.......DDUUUHHH!

What are clothes in Africa made of and how are they made of?

what are Zambia's clothes made of

What kind of clothing did the lakota wear

beaded clothing and lots of buffaleo and deer skined clothes, special shoes and mittens if it was cold out!

Where were clothes made in the 1750?

clothes were made at home.

Why are people made to wear clothes?

Ah, it wasn't us that were made to wear clothes, it was the clothes that were made to be worn.

What is a grass stain made out of?

A grass stain is made out of plant food.