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No, because the metal mercury which is a liquid at room temperature, does not occur naturally in the "native" state. It is usually found as Cinnabar (Mercuric oxide). It is an element.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

No, Mercury is not considered a mineral. Minerals are solid, naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure. Mercury is a liquid metal element.

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Q: Is the Mercury in a thermometer considered a mineral?
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What is the name of the liquid in a thermometer?

The red liquid in a liquid-in-glass thermometer is mineral spirits or ethanol alcohol mixed with red dye. A grey or silver liquid inside the thermometer is mercury. Mercury thermometers are not used anymore due to the dangers associated with mercury.

How is mercury in a thermometer poisonous?

Mercury in a thermometer is poisonous if it is inhaled or ingested. When a thermometer breaks, mercury vapor can be released into the air, which can be harmful if breathed in. Additionally, if mercury is ingested, it can be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause poisoning.

Does mercury stay in the tube or escape into the air?

Mercury stays contained in the tube of a mercury thermometer when in use. It does not escape into the air as long as the thermometer is intact. However, if the thermometer is broken or improperly disposed of, mercury vapor can be released into the air, which is harmful to health.

How do you fix a thermometer where the mercury is separated in the tube?

If the mercury is separated in the thermometer tube, the best course of action is to dispose of the thermometer properly to avoid exposure to mercury. It is not safe to attempt to repair a mercury thermometer on your own due to health and environmental concerns related to mercury exposure. Contact your local waste management facility for guidance on how to safely dispose of the thermometer.

Who invented the mercury and alcohol thermometers?

The mercury thermometer was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1714, while the alcohol thermometer was developed by Ole Christensen RΓΈmer in 1709.

Related questions

What do you call the thermometers with the red stuff in it?

Mercury is a silver-white to dim substance. In the event that your thermometer is loaded up with a red fluid, your thermometer contains red colored liquor or mineral spirits and not mercury.

What mineral makes up a thermometer?

Mercury is the mineral that is traditionally used in thermometers because of its unique properties, such as its high thermal expansion and conductivity. However, due to its toxicity, digital thermometers now use safer alternatives like alcohol or digital sensors.

Is mineral spirits the red liquid in a thermometer?

No, mineral spirits is not the red liquid in a thermometer. The red liquid commonly found in thermometers is typically either mercury or alcohol-based. Mineral spirits, on the other hand, is a type of solvent used for cleaning and removing paint.

What color is the Mercury in a Mercury thermometer?

Mercury in a Mercury thermometer is typically silver in color.

What is a non mercury thermometers?

A non-mercury thermometer is a thermometer that does not contain mercury as the temperature-sensing liquid. Instead, it may use alcohol, galinstan, or other materials to measure temperature. These alternatives are considered safer for environmental and health reasons compared to mercury thermometers.

Can the mercury in a thermometer hurt you?

Yes, if a mercury thermometer breaks, the mercury can vaporize and be inhaled, which can be harmful to your health. It is important to handle and dispose of a broken mercury thermometer properly to avoid exposure to mercury.

What is Mercury thermometer use to measure?

A mercury thermometer is used to measure temperature.

Mention any two points of difference between a clinical thermometer and an ordinary mercury thermometer?

A clinical thermometer will offer more precise calibrated readings than a mercury thermometer. The range of measurable temperature differs between a clinical and a mercury thermometer with the mercury thermometer having the wider range.

What is the name of the liquid in a thermometer?

The red liquid in a liquid-in-glass thermometer is mineral spirits or ethanol alcohol mixed with red dye. A grey or silver liquid inside the thermometer is mercury. Mercury thermometers are not used anymore due to the dangers associated with mercury.

Which thermometer is a greater health hazard if it breaks Is it the mercury in glass or alcohol in glass thermometer?

Mercury in glass thermometers pose a greater health hazard if broken, as mercury is a toxic substance that can be harmful if inhaled or ingested. Alcohol in glass thermometers are considered less hazardous as alcohol is not as toxic as mercury. It is still important to clean up any broken thermometer carefully to avoid injury.

What causes mercury in a thermometer to rise?

The mercury in a thermometer rises because of thermal expansion. When the temperature surrounding the thermometer increases, the molecules of the mercury expand, causing it to move up the narrow tube of the thermometer.

What is the most dangerous thermometer if it breaks?

A mercury thermometer is the most dangerous if it breaks because mercury is a toxic substance that can harm human health and the environment. If a mercury thermometer breaks, it is important to follow proper cleanup procedures to avoid exposure to the mercury.