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Generally, beavers are in no danger of becoming extinct. However, during the early 1800's, many species of beaver was on the brink of extinction. They were protected during the late-19th and early-20th centuries and scientists believe more than 10 million are living today.

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11y ago

Yes. Trapping and hunting of beavers are carefully monitored and controlled. It was not always that way. At one point in Canadian history there was concern that the beaver would become extinct. That lead to the licensing of trap lines and increased monitoring.

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9y ago

in California, beaver may be taken as allowed by season (November 1 through March 31) and area. Some counties only allow it in certain areas, and other counties allow it in most places except for certain areas. It is wise to know before you go; check the "California Fish and Game Commission" website for details.

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13y ago

Beavers are endangered.

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12y ago

No. They are quite common in many areas.

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