

Is the PS3 going to be hacked?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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the ps3 is already hacked ......u can play pirated games upto 3.55 .....the new 300x series is not hackable till yet

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Is the ps3 ever going to get hacked again?

Sure more things will get hacked or at least someone will try to hack then and ever is a very long length of time

When was the PS3 hacked?

April 20 2011 it was shut down after being hacked

Why cant you go online on a ps3 at the moment?

ps3 got hacked.

Can the PS3 be hacked?

Yes Sony says early models that have not been updated can be hacked

How do you prevent being hacked on a PS3?

You won't.

Who hacked into the ps3 internet?

Mouad Jilali

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What are the areas that the PS3 network will work?

its hacked so get an xbox, (I have a ps3 too and play them equally)

Can you play your PS3 even though the company is being hacked?

you can play with it as when the company wasn't hacked... what you can't do is sign in to PSN

Is the xBox 360 hacked?

no it has a good security system ps3 duzent

How many times has ps3 network been hacked?

Once a month

What gets hacked more ps3 or xbox 360?

xbox 360