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You can reach the US in either direction from the IDL. But the trip

to any point in the US is shorter if you travel east from it.

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Q: Is the US east or west of int date line?
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Where did the phrase 'upper 48' come from?

The 48 degree longitude longitude line separates the U.S and Canada. So being int the "Upper 48" means your in Canada.

What is the setting of Jubilee by Margaret Walker?

jubifilys steeings int he furnoixdsigj

Why did the Harlem Renaissance dissipate in the 1930's?

The Harlem Renaissance was a cultural movement that occurred during the 1920's. It dissipated int he 1930's due to the beginning of the Great Depression.

What effect did the Dred Scott Decisions by the Supreme Court have on slavery int the territories as well as on slaves themselves?

You need to do this question.We don't do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson.

What kind of communication was there in the Vietnam war?

Battlefield communications is rarely touted and often maligned in military history. The VHF communication band for the military int those days was divided as follows: Armour/Infantry/Artillery and it was designed that way for a reason. The Infantry radio frequency had to overlap both sides to call in support. HF or High Frequency communications was designed for long distance communications (over the horizon) and for communications from ground to air a separate link had to be established. Enter Ultra High Frequency (UHF) for air to air and air to ground communications. A completely different radio was required for this purpose. In modern warfare such rules no longer exist. Sattelite communications and the development of transistors and solid state technology has altered the whole communication paradigmn. For HF communications back to a ship or base camp you needed an AN/GRC-9 that needed a crew of three and to talk to an aircraft a 40 pound MAY-1 and its two man crew was essential. Line of sight was easy, just hump a 30 pound VHF radio in additon to your regular combat gear. It didn't matter. If the battle failed, blame it on a lack of communications. .... do with the Vietnam war by making it easier for the men on the ground to talk to the men in the skys to organize bomb strikes.

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What is the name of the major mountain chain of North America?

THere are two, the Rockies in the West and the Appalachians int the East.

What is an example of a parameter?

'argc' and 'argv' in this line: int main (int argc, char **argv)

Program of bucket filling in computer graphics lab?

#include #include #include #include #include #include void fill(int x,int y,int c,int bon); void main() { clrscr(); int gdriver=DETECT,gmode; initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,""); setcolor(WHITE); line(0,316,640,316); bar(297,170,300,316); bar(195,170,297,173); setcolor(8); circle(190,170,5); floodfill(190,170,8); setcolor(WHITE); bar(184,170,179,173); bar(177,170,180,176); bar(189,164,191,160); bar(186,160,194,158); line(150,315,210,315); line(150,315,150,260); line(210,315,210,260); line(147,257,210,260); line(213,257,210,260); getch(); setcolor(BLUE); for(int j=178;j<=314;j++) { line(179,178,179,j); line(178,178,178,j); delay(20); } int b=1; for(int i=314;i>260;i--) { setcolor(0); line(179,314-b,179,314-b); line(178,314-b,178,314-b); fill(178,i,1,15); b++; } setcolor(0); line(179,178,179,260); line(178,178,178,260); getch(); closegraph(); } void fill(int x,int y,int c,int bon) { int curr=getpixel(x,y); if(curr!=c) { if(curr!=bon) { putpixel(x,y,c); fill(x+1,y,c,bon); fill(x-1,y,c,bon); delay(2); } } }

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How I can Coding in c plus plus of a program that input date and display the day?

One way to determine the day of week based on the date is to use Zeller's congruence. For the Gregorian calendar... int dayofweek (int month, int day, int year) { int weekday; if (month < 3) month += 12; weekday = day; weekday += int ((month + 1) * 26 / 10); weekday += year; weekday += int (year / 4); weekday += 6 * int (year / 100); weekday += int (year / 400); weekday %= 7; return weekday; /* 0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday */ }

What are the types main to accept command line arguments?

there are only one type ie main( int argc , int argv[]).

How do you make C plus plus program to draw a straight line using for loop method?

void line(int length) { for(int i=0; i<length; ++i) std::cout<<'_'; std::cout<<std::endl; }

What declares a variable named intNumSold?

In C, try this line: int intNumSold;

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Which of the following three C code snippets WILL NOT read a date as three integers as follows: int day, month, year;

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One can convert a string variable to an int variable in Java using the parse integer command. The syntax is int foo = Integer.parseInt("1234"). This line will convert the string in the parenthesis into an integer.

One line programme in c language?

int main (void) { printf ("One line programme\n"); return 0; }

30 examples of variables?

int n1; int n2; int n3; int n4; int n5; int n6; int n7; int n8; int n9; int n10; int n11; int n12; int n13; int n14; int n15; int n16; int n17; int n18; int n19; int n20; int n21; int n22; int n23; int n24; int n25; int n26; int n27; int n28; int n29; int n30;