

Is the Venus Flytrap the most dangerous plant?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Yes, it could be considered the most dangerous carnivorous plant.

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Q: Is the Venus Flytrap the most dangerous plant?
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What are the population of Venus flytraps?

There are seventeen different species of the Venus Flytrap.

A name of a carnivorous plant?

Venus fly traps and Pitcher Plants are both carnivorous.

Which carnivorous plant did Charles Darwin describe as 'the most wonderful plant in the world'?

The venus flytrap - Dionaea muscipula Ellis Don Waller

Does a Venus flytrap make or obtain foods?

A Venus flytrap is a plant and can make most of its own food. However it lives in very nutrient (in terms of nitrogen compounds) poor environment and therefore obtains these chemicals by trapping insects.

How do you get out of a Venus Flytrap's trap?

Well, you are a human so you are larger than the Venus Flytrap so you most likely will not have any trouble prying it apart.

What is the most carniverous plant?

The pitcher plant,the cobra lily,Venus flytrap, are all very carniverous.The pitcher plant is a very easy to get caught in......if your a insect all it has to do is to fall in there and there would be a liquid at the bottom

Can Venus Flytraps eat ham?

You should never feed ham to a Venus flytrap. This plant is not able to properly digest meat from animals. If you try feeding it meat, it will cause the plant to die. Only insects and spiders should be fed to a Venus flytrap.

Can you give Venus Flytraps human food?

You can give a Venus Flytrap anything. However, most human foods are indigestible to Venus Flytraps, and can kill them.

What happens if you feed your Venus Flytrap raw bacon?

My guess is that your Flytrap will either die or become very ill. If you've noticed, bacon has a lot of fat in it. Flies have next to nothing when it comes to body fat. Animals have a certain chemical that allows them to break down fat but a Venus Flytrap most likely will not have the chemicals to break it down. The fat will just sit there and will eventually kill the plant. If you have just fed your plant bacon, I hope you weren't too fond of it.

What is the size of the Venus Flytrap?

It depends. Most don't grow very large at all. Usually only 5 inches in diameter. And that is only the ENTIRE plant. To find out more about them, click on the related link below for a website that shows how to care for Venus Flytraps.

What would happen if a small twig or stone fell on the Venus Flytrap?

If a twig or stone landed on a Venus Flytrap it would most probably close up or get crushed depending on the size of the twig/stone. It wouldn't eat it because it is not edible.

What kind of weather does the Venus Flytrap deal with?

They typically live with rainy, stormish weather as most live in rain-forests.