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Q: Is the ankle proximal or distal to the hip?
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Is the ankle distal to the phalanges?

The radius is proximal to the phalanges. The phalanges are distal to the radius.The radius is proximal to the phalanges. The phalanges are distal to the radius.

Is the femur distal to the tarsals?

The femur is proximal to the tarsals (ankle bones). The femur is the thighbone.

Is the toes proximal to ankle?

ANSWER: YesTo quote my textbook, Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology (2nd Edition) by Donald C. Rizzo: "Proximal means nearest the point of attachment or origin. Example: the elbow is proximal to the wrist, the knee is proximal to the ankle. Distal mean away from the point of attachment or origin. Example: the wrist is distal to the elbow, the ankle is distal to the knee."

Is the knee is distal to the ankle?

The toes are distal to the ankle. They are farther away from the origin of the lower leg.

Is the ankle is proximal to the foot?

Proximal, anything closer to midsection in proximal (closer) than distal (distant).

Which joint is distal to the knee?

Yes. Distal means farther from the point of attachment or from the center of the body. So the knee is distal to the hip, and the food would be distal to the knee and so on.

What term best describes the position of the ankle to the toe?

The ankle is proximal to the toe and the toe is distal to the ankle

Is the kneecap proximal to the hip?

no, the knee is distal to the thigh

Describe in directional terms the relationship between the patella and the ankle?

The patella is located proximal to the ankle joint. It is situated in the anterior part of the knee, serving as a protective cover for the knee joint, while the ankle joint is distal to the patella, located in the lower leg connecting the shinbone to the foot.

Are the toes distal to the knee?

It is proximal as the knee is closer to the median / midline of the body than the foot. The foot is distal. Distal suggests a structure being further away from the median plane or the root of the limb than another structure in the limb. Proximal refers to a structure being closer to the median plane or root of the limb than another structure in the limb

Is the knee proximal to the ankles?

No. The ankle is distal to the knee, because the ankle is farther from the trunk of the body than the knee.

What portion of the lower extremity is found distal to the knee and proximal to the ankle?

The portion of the lower extremity found distal to the knee and proximal to the ankle is the shin or the lower leg. It consists of the tibia bone at the front and the fibula bone at the back.