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Q: Is the appendix ever removed when appendicitis is not involved?
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Can you have surgery on your spleen?

it is possible to have surgery on a spleen, you can also have your spleen removed but only if its due to something serious, like a blood disorder etc.......the main 2 organs to ever get removed from humans is the appendix (appendicitis) and the gallbladder (mainly due to gallstones)

What is the appndix's function?

Conventional medicine has long thought the appendicitis to be of no function what-so-ever, but recent discoveries have found that the appendicitis regulates hormone and energy balance as well.

Has anyone ever gotten appendicitis from eatting toothbrush bristles?

no u cant i tried it wen i was little but aluminum foil does the trick

Have David Archuleta ever been Operated?

David Archuleta had partial vocal paralysis and needed a risky surgery, but he declined and said he feels that he is almost fully recovered. He also had appendicitis when he was young and he was hospitalized but I do not know if his appendix was removed.

Can you get your appendix taken out without having appendicitis?

In some cases people do have prophylactic appendectomies. (Where the appendix is removed just in case something goes wrong with it in the future). However, I have only ever heard of this being performed in a very niche group of patients - very ill, learning disabled children, who are generally immobile and not able to articulate their wishes to others (i.e are mute and not capable of any form of sign language). It is in these instances that a prophylactic appendectomy is actually quite a reasonable option - since the child cannot articulate that they feel ill/which bit is painful, the delay this may cause in finding and treating appendicitis could prove fatal. Prophylactic appendectomy negates this scenario.

Is t mandatory for American soldiers to take out their appendix?

Of course not!! Who told you that? While appendixes aren't needed, no surgery is mandatory if it isn't necessary, and the only time an appendix ever need be removed is in cases of acute appendicitis, in which not removing it would kill the patient. Surgery is always a risk, and surgery for no reason is just irresponsible. The U.S. Military Medical Corps isn't exactly the smartest, but they're not dummies either. You don't intentionally put people out of commission for no reason.

Why does appendicitis causes loss of appetite?

I had appendicitis about 2 months ago and when i went in for surgery i weighed about 225...rite about now i weigh 190, which is a loss of 35lbs....I have always had problems with loosing weight but after the surgery i have lost more weigh than i ever don't get me wrong i love the weight loss and loss of appetite, i only eat maybe once a day and its a small meal....does this result from the surgery or will i start to gain all my weight back soon ?

Can you live without your appendix?

You experience symptoms such as pain in the stomache, Vomitting, A lot of gas, etc. If you think that you might need to have your appendix removed, u should most likely see a doctor even if you dont think you need it removed.

What is the most useless organ?

Some individuals in the past believed what is quoted below "The appendix servers absolutely no purpose to humans and haven't done so in thousands of years. In fact, the appendix can easily kill you, but it can not help you in any way, ever!" New research is showing that the appendix can actually be a safe haven for beneficial bacteria that promotes healthy intestinal function. However, when the opening of the appendix into the cecum becomes blocked then a nasty appendicitis can occur.

Is the appendix ever located behind the stomach?

The vermiform appendix is located at the end of the ascending colon, not behind the stomach, which is distal to the colon. Hope this is helpful!

Pain on right side of abdomen?

If you have a pain in your abdomen, you should probably go see a docteor, as you may have a ruptured appendix. The appendix has no known use, so if you're told you need to have it taken out, you're not going to die! The surgeon makes a small incision in the abdome, cuts it away from the intestine wall and sticks it in a jar for you to admire later. This operation only takes 30 minutes tops. Have you ever seen the movie Madeline? If you have, she goes to hospital for that reason; to have her appendix out. If you do have a ruptured appendix, (Appendictitis) and you leave it too long, you could end-up on your death-bed if you don't get treatment quick enough. So my advice to you is, if you are experiencing pain in your righ abdomen, go see a doctor NOW!!!

Did whitehead really kill houdini?

Is the following speculative scenario possible? For over a decade, Houdini publicly exposed fraudulent spirit mediums who, in turn, finally decided to strike back at him in order to protect their business. They hired Whitehead to rough him up in order to get Houdini to leave them alone. They did not intend to kill him yet the punches resulted in appendicitis. The appendicitis became acute and his appendix later burst, flooding Houdini's abdominal cavity with lethal streptococcus germs. The next day the ruptured appendix was removed but the poison was too much to overcome and Harry died six days later. While I think that there is a reasonable chance that this is close to what actually happened, it is not provable by what is known at this time. But the story may still interest you so let's look into it further. Harry Houdini, the world famous escape artist and magician, died in 1926 at the age of 52 after suffering from complications of appendicitis nine days after four very severe blows to the stomach. He claimed he could take punches from anyone, yet this time, he was caught off guard and was not able to firm up his muscles. While many people claim that trauma to the abdomen has never been known to cause appendicitis, here is what his attending physician, Dr. Kennedy, said: "It is the only case of traumatic appendicitis I had ever seen in my lifetime, but the logic of the thing seems to indicate that Mr. Houdini died of appendicitis, the direct result of the injury." With this in mind, it is interesting to note that since the death was attributed to the blows, Mrs. Houdini received a $50,000 insurance payout rather than the $25,000 that the appendicitis on its own would have yielded. The insurance company looked closely into the matter and accepted the expert testimony of the attending physicians. No matter the cause of the appendicitis, if Houdini had received timely medical attention, his appendix could have been removed before it burst and he might have lived. But is there more to the story? I think that the punches were possibly an intentional assault and the resulting death was an accident. Whitehead, the young man who delivered the blows, might have been acting on his own or, perhaps, doing a job for a sinister group of fake mediums.