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Q: Is the artia separated by septum?
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The Right and left ventricles are separated by the?

The right and left venrticles are separated by the interventicular septum.

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Functions of the septum?

It is separated in the Chambers of our heart.

What separates the atria from the ventricles of the heart?

They are separated by the bicuspid valve (also known as the mitral valve).

The nasal cavities are separated by what structure?

nasal septum

What separates the left and right side of hearts?

The septum.

What are three septums of the heart?

interatrial (between the atria) interventricular (between the ventricles) atrio-ventricular (between the atria and the ventricles) So, each chamber is separated by a septum

What is the structure that separates the right and left sides of the heart?

The Septum is a partition that separates the right and left sides of the Heart. There are two separate regions of the Septum. They are the Interatrial Septum that separates the Atriums and the Interventrial Septurm that separates the Ventricles. The Interatrial Septum is only present in the fetal period and is open during this period. The Interatrial Septum closes at the time of birth. The Interventrial Septum is suppose to be closed all the time but sometimes an opening is present at birth. This would be considered a Congenital heart disease.

How do walls of the artia compare with the walls of the ventricles?

Much thinner.

The upper chambers of the heart are separated by the?

The interatrial septum separates the left atrium from the right atrium (the atria are the upper chambers of the heart).

What separates the upper chambers?

If you mean the heart, the atria are separated from each other by the atrial septum. If you mean the atria from the ventricles, the right is separated by an AV valve called the tricuspid. The left by a an AV valve called the bicuspid or mitral valve.

How are the four chambers connected together?

The atria and the ventricles are connected through the AV valves. The left and right sides of the heart are separated by the septum.