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Q: Is the asthenosphere a relatively cool and rigid shell that overlies the lithosphere?
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Is the asthenosphere relatively cool and rigid shell that overlies the lithosphere?

Yes, the cool and rigid shell is the asthenosphere.

What is the rigid layer of earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The rigid layer of earth surrounding the asthenosphere is the lithosphere.

Which rigid layer of the Earth surrounds the asthenosphere?

The lithosphere surrounds the asthenosphere.

Rigid layer of the earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The Lithosphere

What is the rigid layer of the Earth surrounding the asthenosphere?

The rigid layer of the earth that surround the asthenosphere is also known as the lithosphere. The lithosphere layer is further broken into several large sections which are known as tectonic plates. These plates ride above the asthenosphere.

What does the asthenosphere cause?

Scientists speculate that the movement of tectonic plates is created by the movement of the rigid lithosphere on the asthenosphere.

What is the rigid zone above the asthenosphere that includes the crust and upper mantle?

The lithosphere

What is the zone of rigid brittle rock that the crust and the uppper layer of the mantle?

plat techtonce

Does lithosphere and asthenosphere mean terms differ?

Yes. The lithosphere consists of the uppermost layers of Earth: the crust and the rigid portion of the mantle. The asthenosphere is the layer below the lithosphere, consisting of rock with a plastic texture.

What best describes the physical nature of the earth's lithosphere and the asthenosphere?

The lithosphere is rigid and commonly deforms in a brittle manner; the asthenosphere tends to flow slowly and deform in a plastic manner.

How are the lithoshphere and asthenosphere similar and how are they different?

The differences and similarities between lithosphere and asthenosphere are as follows. Lithoshphere is made up of rigid rocks flowing above asthenosphere. Asthenosphere has rocks that are more plastic like because they can flow even tho they are still solid rock. The top part of asthenosphere is the same as the lower part of lithosphere, if the top part of asthenosphere cools it then becomes part of lithosphere. Lithosphere and asthenosphere are both made up of the upper part of the mantle on Earth but Lithosphere is also made up of the crust.

Compare and contrast earths lithosphere and asthenosphere?

Earths outer most layer consits of the crust and uppermost mantle and forms a relatively cool, rigid shell called the lithosphere. This layer averges about 100 kil. in thickness. Beneath the lithosphere lies a soft, comparatively weak layer known as the asthenosphere. The lower lithosphere and upper asthenosphere are both part OS the uppr mantle.