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Rumen bacteria has been obtained when they were young calves when they mouthed, licked or eaten various things that contain bacteria that another cow or calf has also mouthed, licked or eaten, thus directly transferring bacteria and thus swallowing it into their digestive tracts. A calf will also get bacteria from suckling on a calf nipple from a bottle or bucket that has not been sterilized, and also from the teat of his dam. Mature cows (and bulls) will ingest bacteria much the same way as a calf will, minus the suckling from a bottle or momma's udder.

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9y ago
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10y ago

There are four types of bacteria found in the rumen, as follows:

  • Cellulose digesting bacteria
    • Fibrobacter succinogenes
    • Ruminococcus albus
    • Ruminococcus flavefaciens
  • Hemicellulose digesting bacteria
    • Fibrobacter succinogenes
    • Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens
    • Prevotella ruminicola
  • Starch digesting bacteria
    • Ruminobacter amylophilus
    • Succinomonas amylolytica
    • Streptococcus bovis
  • Lactate utilizing bacteria
    • Selenomonas ruminantium
    • Megasphera elsdenii
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13y ago

the gas produced in a cows stomach is methane.

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12y ago

it is good b/c it breaks down the grass so the cow does not choke

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Q: What gas does the bacteria in cow stomachs produce?
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How methane gas produce?

A cow farts.

What gas do sheep generate?

Bacteria in the stomachs of cows and other ruminants (animals with chambered stomachs) produce methane, a strong greenhouse gas, that the animals release mostly by burping but sometimes also by farting. Ruminant livestock (domestic farm animals), including cows and sheep, do release a significant amount of methane.

Are cow farts worse than humans for the environment?

Cattle and other ruminants produce much more methane in their intestinal gases than humans as the intestinal bacteria digest cellulose. (Most of the gas comes out of the cow's mouth!) Methane is a greenhouse gas and bad for the environment.

What type of bacteria is typhoid causing bacteria?

The are gram negative bacillus shaped bacteria. They are facultative anaerobic bacteria. They ferment the glucose to produce acid and gas. They ferment the sulfur containing amino acids to produce H2S gas. They do not ferment the lactose.

How man pounds of methane gas does a cow produce in one day?


How many grams of gas does a cow produce?

The answer to this question is highly variable because it depends on the diet that the cow is on, her weight, her age, and even where she lives.

Can one cow can produce about 2 pounds of methane gas each day?

Yes. They can produce more or less, depending on their diet.

What are fuels created by bacteria?

Bacteria in combination with organic material can produce methane gas. The addition of bacteria to heavy oil deposits to produce methane gas is new research, but it certainly looks promising. Bacteria does not create gasl on its own, but rather transforms the organic material into gas. I've included one link, where scientists claim that bacteria may be used to create oil, but I am not aware of any commercial applications. See links.

How farm waste can be use to produce methane gas?

By fermenting it with certain anaerobic bacteria.

What is chemosynthetic bacteria?

Chemosynthetic bacteria means bacteria that can make chemical things (synthetic). Basically any bacteria are chemosynthetic - they all product different chemicals as part of their metabolism. There are methanogens that produce methane gas, there are photosynthetic organisms that produce oxygen (like plants, and the ancestry of plants), others can produce nitrogen gas, like those bacteria that live in nodules on legume plants. Other bacteria can produce acids from fermentation like proprionic acid which gives Swiss cheese its nutty flavor. So lots and lots of bacteria are chemosynthetic. It just depends on what you want to produce.

What gas is produced in the stomachs of ruminants?

Still methane.

Does passing gas pollute the air?

Yes it does because the gasses in the passing of gas can pollute the air but not that much. Some people think that pollution just happens from machines but it can by natural causes too. Human methane production is not significant. Cows produce much more methane gas than humans do. This is a concern because methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. Methane from cattle tends to come from belches (cows have multiple stomachs) than from cow flatulence (gas passing).