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Q: Is the balance in the firms checking account a real asset?
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What is common size balance sheet?

A common size balance sheet is a type of standardized financial statement that completely lists all of a firms specific assets, liabilities, and equity claims as a percentage of a firms total assets.

What is the main reason firms keep money in their checking accounts?

The money in checking accounts is used to pay for the day to day expenses of the firm. For ex: they could be getting raw materials for their manufacturing factory and they would need to pay for the same. Such kind of payments are usually made through checks that are linked to the checking account. The person providing the services/goods to the firm will cash the check and get the money due to him as payment.

Who are the users of balance sheet?

external users like statutory firms, share holders etc

What industries are most likely to hire me for Asset Management Training?

Financial services firms are looking for AM professionals. Many of these will also provide training.

What is the purpose of balance sheet?

The purpose of a firms balance sheet is to give you some insight into the financial health of the firm. By listing all their assets and liabilities this allows current/potential investors to see how the firm is doing, how they are in terms of meeting their debt obligations, the amount of leverage in the firm. As well the firms balance sheet is very useful to help calculate financial ratios, and to perform forecasts. The important thing to keep in mind is that while the firms balance sheet is part of their annual financial statements it must be considered in combination with many other documents such as the notes and the income statement to give you a complete picture of the firms situation.

Where can one get a Forex Managed account?

You get accounts at Forex Managed on their website. The Forex website should be the only place where you get a Forex Managed account, as other websites not owned by Forex promising to give Forex accounts may be phishing scams.

What is the significance of an equilibrium?

There is balance: demand equals supply (in economics). Prices are stabilized. Risks for firms are reduced to a minimum.

Can shares be counterfeited?

Assuming you mean shares of stock, the short answer is "no". While stocks and bonds used to be issued in paper form, modern trading is electronic with many checks and balances. Clearing houses and brokerage firms know exactly how many shares trade at what price and to whom they were sold. You could theoretically fake a stock certificate, but in modern trading no one would take that at face value without verifiable proof that you actually own the asset (i.e., a balance in a brokerage account that can be verified).

Why is stock a current asset on the balance sheet and not a fixed asset?

If you are talking about stock that the company in question has issued, then it is not an asset at all, but rather a component of owner's equity. However, shares of stock in other companies that have been purchased are in fact current assets. The idea is that if a firms needs to make payments to suppliers, lenders, etc. they can sell stock and turn it to cash immediately. This is typically not the case with fixed assets. Investments in stocks are highly liquid. Fixed assets are typically depreciated over time (except land) and are not expected to be sold within a year. While some stock investments might end up being longer than 1 year, it is advantageous for firms to classify them as current assets. Financial analysts usually look at current assets to see how quickly a firm can meet its financial obligations. Lenders like to see firms with substantial current assets - this means that they are liquid.