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Yes indeed The Bible is most researched book ever. As they have to research each book very carefuly.

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Q: Is the bible more researched than any other book?
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Which books were ommited from The Bible?

The Gospel of Thomas and many other gospels were ommited from the Bible. Also, the Book of Tobit, the Book of Judith, the Book of Esdras I and II, and many more.

What book of the bible testifies more about the future coming of Jesus Christ than any other?

I sugest you read the Book of Revelation written by John.

What kind of book is the Bible?

It's actually not one book but a collection of many books - some books of poetry, fiction, history, songs, prophesy, teaching and many other genres. So, if you ask 'what kind of book is the Bible', it is more a library than a book.

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I do not know this personally, but if you looked in a book or researched it more, then I am sure that you will find the answer.

Which is the most believed holy book?

The believers of the Bible (Book of Chirstans) are on top & Quran (Book of Muslims) is on the second but Quran is the most readed, acted upon & researched book in the history of man kind. You can go to to see the researches on Quran. Many Muslims memorize it word to word & are called HAFIZ. I've also memorized it word to word & there are hundreds of thousands more.

Who are the main characters in the book of daniel in the bible?

in the book of Daniel in the bible- the main character is Daniel other people like his 3 friends and the kings could be considered important to but it focuses on groups of people more like the Romans, etc. . .

What is the difference between the bible and science book which is more accurate to believe?

The bible tells the truth and everybody should read the bible and believe in it. The science book has ecological answers.

What book is read more than Shakespeare's writings?

The Bible.

Where can I learn more about the bible?

You can go to a church or read about it in a book

What book in the Bible is accounting?

It appears you are asking about the Book of Numbers. Need more information to answer fully.

Why is the bible the most printed book?

If God is smart enough to create the Universe and all life, couldn't He be smart enough to make sure His book was printed more than any other?