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Yes. The Black Death was caused by fleas on black rats, so if there are rats there will be plague.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Yes It is, Because our immune systems have grown used to it. And it is very week, by most of the fleas died since then.

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11y ago

not to be mean but yes it dose you should know that by now but i just kenw that so were on the same page

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13y ago

Yes, mainly in rural areas where there are a lot of carriers, such as prairie dogs and field mice.

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14y ago

Yes, but fortunately it can be easily treated with modern medicine if the patient is diagnosed early.

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14y ago

Yes its called Yesinia Pestis see this web site where it is resident in the animal population

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12y ago

In third world countries and some parts of American southwest

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12y ago

How many people have you seen die from an infection like the black plague recently..? Think about it, it doesn't take much brain power to understand that that was indeed a dumb question.

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Q: Is the black death still around today?
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What is the cure today if you get the black death?

Black Death is an old name for the Plague, which is still around. Antibotics are used very successfully.

Are we in risk of the black death today?

no, Black Death has been seen many times in Europe. but on smaller scales.

Do you still have black death today?

Yes, The black death is the bubonic plague. Though it is rare, there are still modern cases of the disease.

Is the black death still a threat today?

Type your answer here... Yes, because Delezie is still alive!

Is black death rare to get today?

Bubonic plague does still exist in the world, but it is rare.

Can you re catch the black death?

the black plague does still exist today, however it is a really rare disease

Is there a possibility that the black death can hit this generation?

The Disease that caused the black death is still active all over the world. Fortunately medical science has progressed to the point it is a minor and easily treated disease today. So no the Black Death could not happen today

Are there still alternate explanations for the black death today?

No, because we have scientists we can prove it was nothing else.

Where can you catch the black death today?

you cant really cant something as harmful and leeful as the black death today.

Can you get the black death nowdays?

There's some disagreement on exactly what the Black Death was, though it's usually thought to have been caused by a bacterium known as Yersina pestis, which is still around today. While it's still possible to catch the plague, it's not usually fatal if treated in time; antibiotics are generally effective.

Is the black death around today?

Yes but there are loads of cures so it's nothing to worry about now

What is the date of the end of the black death?

The Black Death (AKA The Bubonic Plague, The plague) didn't really "start" or "end" on specific dates. There are some rare cases of The Bubonic plague today. The peak of the Black Death was around 1347- 1352