

Is the brain is the spinal cavity?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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The brain is located inside the human skull.

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Q: Is the brain is the spinal cavity?
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Cavity that protects brain and spinal cord?

The cranial and spinal cavities protect the brain and spinal cord.

The brain and the spinal cavity are located in what body cavity?

cranial cavity

Name the 2 subdivisions of the dorsal cavity what structures does each contain?

The two subdivisions of the dorsal cavity are the cranial cavity, which contains the brain, and the spinal cavity, which contains the spinal cord.

What body cavity is the spinal cord located in?

the dorsal cavity my apologies your answer was correct i missread it

What does the dorsal cavity contain?

cranial cavity, which contains the brain, and spinal cavity, formed by the vertebrae, which contains the spinal cord.

What is the connection between the cranial cavity and spinal cavity?

the brain stem

What cavity is completely enclosed in bone and surrounds the brain and spinal cord?

The dorsal cavity is completely enclosed in bone and surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

What are the major organs in the spinal cavity?

the brain and the spinal cord.

What does the doral cavity house?

The dorsal cavity houses the brain and spinal cord.

Is it the pleural CAVITY ventral CAVITY or dorsal CAVITY that contains the brain and spinal cord or the thoracic?

Dorsal Cavity

What body cavity hold both the brain and spinal cord?

Plueral no the dorsal cavity contrans both the brain and spine

What organs are in the dorsal body cavity?

Dorsal cavity: The smaller of the two main body cavities, the larger being the ventral cavity. It contains the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord).