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Q: Is the cache memory a main component of the motherboard?
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Is cache memory is main or sec memory?

cache memory is neither main memory nor second memory. DDR's are Main memory and Disk is second memory.

What is a cache?

Answer:- The Cache memory is placed between the CPU and the main memory. It is a fast speed memory and is expensive and faster than the main memory. Cache memory is used to store the frequently accessed data of main memory. The instructions that are frequently used by the CPU are stored in the cache memory. It is used to reduce the average access time for address, instructions or data, which are normally stored in the main memory. Cache memory increases the operating speed of the system. But is much costlier than main memory. From economic considerations, the capacity of the cache memory is much less as compared to main memory..

Cache memory and register memory?

Register memory are smaller in size than cache memory and registers are faster than cache..Cache memory store the frequently used data from main memory..

Is cache memory is the main memory of cmputer system?

NO...The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from the most frequently used main memory locations. As long as most memory accesses are cached memory locations, the average latency of memory accesses will be closer to the cache latency than to the latency of main memory.Thus Cache memory is not main memory of computer system.--- form Wiki

Why is cache memory smaller than main memory?

because cache memory is costlier than main memory and physical size of cache memory also matters.ignoring the cost , if we use large cache memory, it will take larger physical mother board won't be able to accomodate it

Is a main component on the motherboard?


What component has the fastest speed on computer?

Register. The memory hierarchy in the decreasing order of speeds: 1. Register 2. Cache 3. Main memory 4. Disks 5. Auxiliary memory

Is cache memory necessary?

The cache memory is used to store the frequently used data in the main memory in order to avoid the elapse of the seek time taken to read that data in the main memory.. So, to improve the performance of a PC, its necessary to have cache memory.

What a main component on the motherboard?

hard drive

What if Cache size is equal to main memory size?

If we took size of cache as large as size of main memory then the main purpose of cache(take less time) would come to end, as larger the cache slower would be it's processing speed.

Can you replace cache instead of main memory?


Use of cache memory?

The CPU uses cache memory to store instructions that are repeatedly required to run programs, improving overall system speed. The advantage of cache memory is that the CPU does not have to use the motherboard's system bus for data transfer. Whenever data must be passed through the system bus, the data transfer speed slows to the motherboard's capability. The CPU can process data much faster by avoiding the bottleneck created by the system bus.