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1mo ago

No, the cell wall is not a flexible barrier. It is a rigid structure that provides support and protection to the cell. The flexibility of a cell is mainly determined by its plasma membrane, which is a semi-permeable barrier that surrounds the cell.

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its a protection barrier

What is a Simple definition of a cell membrane?

It is a thin, flexible barrier that regulates what goes out and into the cell.

Unlike the cell membrane the cell wall is A. found in all organisms B. composed of a lipid bilayer C. a flexible barrier D. made of tough fibers?

Unlike the cell membrane, the cell wall is made of tough fibres (D). The cell membrane is mainly composed of a lipid bilayer - which means it is flexible. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin - which make the cell rigid.

What do you mean by cell-wall in plant?

the plant cell wall is like a animal cell membrane it is just the barrier for the cell