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Q: Is the correct spelling grapefruit sized or grapefruit-sized?
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A BB gun is a kind of pellet gun, used to shoot BB sized bullets.

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Yes. That is the correct spelling of "marshmallow" (marshmallow is a foamy, sticky mixture, usually sugar and corn syrup, which may be shaped into bite-sized pieces).

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Yes, but 'medium-sized'.

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You could say" This deer is medium-sized." or you could say " The deer is a medium-sized animal. "

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Why does one need a grapefruit knife?

One would need to use grapefruit knife as recommended to eat that particular fruit. The main reason is the exact ease of the cut this knife offers as opposed to others. The second one is the ability of this knife to not only cut deeper but to offer equally sized portions to be eaten.

Why doesn't the northwest region in the US have grapefruit sized hail?

I'm not positive about this, but it could be because the Pacific Ocean keeps the atmosphere too warm for it to hail. We have plenty of hail in South Dakota.

How do you remove rear axle nut on 2001 mercury villager?

With the correct sized socket, obviously.

How can you correct different size feet?

All pairs of feet are differently sized, for some people (more than you might think) it's necessary to actually purchase two differently sized shoes for proper fitment. There is no medical "cure" for differently sized feet.

How do you spell thuresday?

The days of the week in English are spelled: Monday abbreviated Mon. Tuesday abbreviated Tues. Wednesday abbreviated Weds. Thursday abbreviated Thurs. Friday abbreviated Fri. Saturday abbreviated Sat. Sunday You can find these on the headers of most large sized calendars.