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Q: Is the dinosaur called the Titanosaurs real?
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How wide was the biggest dinosaur?

Puertasaurus reuili is a member of the titanosaurs in the sauropods that was found in Argentina with a vertebrae width of 5.51 feet. The chest diameter is approximately 16 feet wide.

What is that Loch Ness Monster?

if it is real it would most likely be a prehistoric dinosaur called the plesiosaur

What is Max's dinosaur called in Dinosaur King?

Max's dinosaur is called Chomp, he is a Triceratops.

Is there such thing as a rihranosauras rex?

As far as i know there was never a real dinosaur called Rihranosauras or Rihanosaurus Rex.

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Can you make a real dinosaur?

No, you can not.

What you called to dinosaur's baby?

any dinosaur's baby is called a hatchling.

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What is a youg dinosaur called?

It depends on the dinosaur.