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Yes, many of the functions you do with the dominant hand determines which side of the brain is more used. Be careful though, the right hand is controlled by the left side of the brain, and vice versa with the left hand.

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Q: Is the dominant hand a good indicator of the dominant hemisphere of the brain Why or Why not?
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Yes. Most people are either math and science oriented or language oriented. Few are naturally good at both. Most people are either left brain dominant or right brain dominant. If you are left brain dominant you are better at math and science, right brain dominant is better with languages.

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Yes, in a manner of speaking. The brain is divided into two hemispheres, right and left. People tend to have a dominant hemisphere which is what also drives their being right or left handed. People who have a dominant right hand (e.g., it is the one they write with and eat with), have a dominant left hemisphere of their brain and vice versa, those who write with their left hands are said to have a dominant right hemisphere of the brain. So, sometimes those with dominant right hands are called "left-brained" people.It is because the right side of the brain controls muscles on the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls muscles on the right side of the body.Certain traits and abilities are also associated with the different brain hemispheres, for example:The right hemisphere is associated with:Spatial abilitiesFace recognitionVisual imageryMusicThe left Hemisphere is associated with:LanguageMathLogicMy nephew, who is left-handed, likes the pun: "Only left handed people are in their right minds."For more interesting information about the hemispheres of the brain and some experiments you can do to learn more about them, see the related link below.

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What is meant by right brain and left brain people?

The idea that we have a dominant brain hemisphere has been generally discredited, mostly because it is not even scientifically true. The the thought that left brainers are logical, good with mathematics and language, while right brainers are creative and artistic has no basis in fact but has captured the imagination go the same groups that believe in other pseudoscience babble.

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Starch is not the indicator. Iodine is the indicator of starch.

What side of your brain is the creative side?

The right hemisphere. Remember that the left hemisphere controls the right side of your body and that the right hemisphere controls the left side of your body. I don't think that hand or foot dominance is a good example to show if a person is creative or not, but I am not sure statistically if it is a good example.

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I think the cranial capacity is a good indicator of the body because it helps use to think about what we do.

Do people usually have a good memory?

First of all, that completely depends on the person and the age. Around the age of 14-16 your memory can get blurry and you may forget what days certain things happened on. Many people who have the left side of the brain for the dominant part have a better memory than people who's right side of the brain is dominant. As you age memories get blurrier and you forget things. So yes, and no. People do have a good memory depending on age and the person.

What is the difference between right-brain activities and left-brain activities?

The idea that we have a dominant brain hemisphere has been generally discredited, mostly because it is not even scientifically true. The the thought that left brainers are logical, good with mathematics and language, while right brainers are creative and artistic has no basis in fact but has captured the imagination go the same groups that believe in other pseudoscience babble.