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Q: Is the dotty back a producer decomposer or a consumer?
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Can you have a food chain with only a producer?

The flow of energy from one organism to another is called food chain, a food chain consists producer, primary consumer,secondary consumer,tertiary consumer and decomposer's( plants,rat,snake,eagle and fungi)every food chain consists producer,consumer and a decomposer.

What is it called when you have a poison in the top consumer of food web?

This is not called anything, as it is not possible. A food web shows the transfer of energy from one organism to the other, not just what kills what. For example, a food web will generally show arrows going from a producer, to a primary consumer, to a secondary consumer, and looping back with a decomposer, such as a worm.

How do you use the word dotty in a sentence?

Ummm... The lady bug had a dotty back. The dalmation was named Dotty. Im not quite sure what you are looking for. Like, crazy dotty or spotty dotty. Please tell me.

What is a consumer that puts materials from dead plants and animals back into the soil and air and water called?


Will Nick and Dotty ever return to Eastenders again?

nick will never come back! but dotty will some times for a visit

Is a mold producer consumer decomposer?

Fungi are NOT producers. A producer "produces it's own food" or more specifically, it creates organic molecules from inorganic molecules using a nonliving energy source. (Plants use light energy to turn inorganics like CO2 and H2O into organics like sugar.) Fungi are CONSUMERS because they "consume another organism for food" or more specifically they steal organic molecules from other living things. Fungi are decomposers because they can get the last bits of energy available out of a food chain. (When a decomposer is "done" with their food, there are no organics left. They have recycled it back into inorganic compounds which a producer can use to create food.)

How big do dotty-back fish shoes get?

Dotty Fish is a brand of shoe. Sizes range from 6 months to 5 years of age.

How is it possible to have a food chain that has only a producer and decomposer?

a producer is a plant like a cucumber you can eat it and your stomach is the decomposer all the enzymes break down the food and that is just like in the real world. without decomposers you can bury a dead rat and 5 years later you could dig it back up and nothing would have happened.

is a roach a primary consumer or a decomposer or tertiary consumer?

Decomposers include organisms like earthworms, termites, cockroaches, dung beetles, and mushrooms or fungi. Decomposers will consume, or eat, the decaying matter and in turn recycle the nutrients from that organic matter back into the soil.

is sunlight a decomposer?

No, sunlight is not a decomposer. Sunlight is a form of energy that is essential for the growth and survival of plants and other photosynthetic organisms. Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organic matter into simpler compounds, such as bacteria, fungi, and certain insects. They play an important role in nutrient cycling by releasing nutrients back into the soil, which can be used by other living organisms.

What returns nutrients to soil?


What decomposer lives on forest floors?

The mushroom is a decomposer that lives on the forest floor and recycles nutrients from dead organisms back into the soil.