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By mass, the Earth is composed of mostly iron (35 percent), oxygen (30 percent), silicon (15 percent), and magnesium (13 percent). The Earth's Surface is predominantly water!

The surface area of the earth is predominantly water (about 70%), and I sincerely hope this isn't a serious question...

The average depth of the oceans is only about 3000 meters (0,05 % of the radius of the Earth) so most of the mass of the earth is not water.

To shorten this down....the earth is mostly water.

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14y ago

The earth is made up of 70% water. So it means we only have 30% land.

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Q: Is the earth mostly land or water?
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The surface of earth is covered mostly by what?

The surface of Earth is mostly covered by water, with oceans accounting for about 71% of the planet's surface. Land masses, including continents and islands, make up the remaining 29%.

Is the surface of the earth mainly water or land?

It has more areas of water than land. About 71% is water, mostly salt-water.

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No. Earth is mostly composed of the hydrosphere (water) with 3/4 of the earth's surface. While lithosphere has 1/4 of earth's surface.

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There is more water on Earth than land (surface area). Water covers nearly 71% of the Earth's surface. While Earth's surface is mostly water, Earth is nearly all rock. Just 0.5% of the planet by weight is water. -Thong Tran

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Because the earth is not made intirely out of water only 70%. The other 30% OS land of in other terms earth.

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It is mostly water (blue) and the land is usually brown and/or green, except for places with mostly snow, which are white. Hope I helped!

What is the surface composition of earth?

Mostly water but a lot of rock and dirt too.