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No, the egg isn't released during menstruation. The egg is released during ovulation, which typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, if the egg isn't fertilised then this leads to menstruation.

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Q: Is the egg released during menstruation?
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Would you fall pregnant during your period?

No, you wouldn't fall pregnant during your period as there is no egg present during menstruation. However it is possible for you to be fertile during menstruation, this would mean that sperm from sex during menstruation may live long enough to fertilise the egg released during ovulation.

Does fertilisation take place during menstruation?

No. At menstruation, unfertilized egg is expelled from the body.

What does it mean to ovaluate during menstrual cycle?

Ovulation occurs around two weeks before menstruation, this is when the mature egg is released from the ovary. If the egg is not fertilized then it is reabsorbed into the body and the uterus lining breaks down: this is menstruation.

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What day is the egg lost in the menstrual cycle?

The egg is not 'lost' the egg is released during ovulation, if not fertilized then it is reabsorbed into the body. Ovulation typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, but everyone is different.

Is menstruation still occur without having egg released from ovary?

Yes. Menstruation will still occur with out ovulation

Does menstruation occurs when a teen girl is pregnant?

If a woman menstruates, whether she is a teen or an adult, then she can't possibly be pregnant. Menstruation only occurs if the egg released during ovulation hasn't been fertilised.

If an egg is not fertilized it what?

It breaks apart and is expelled from the body during menstruation

Is withdrawal bleeding menstruation?

The withdrawal bleeding is not regular menstruation. Birth control changes the hormones in your body and suppresses ovulation, therefore there's no egg that was released to cause menstruation. That's why birth control prevents pregnancy.

Why does menstruation takes place?

The menstrual cycle is a series of hormonal changes in which an egg matures and is released and the uterine lining thickens so that the egg, if fertilized, can implant in it. Menstruation happens when the uterine lining sheds because no fertilized egg has implanted.

What reproductive function ceases during pregnancy?

Menstruation stops as soon as a egg is fertilized and the resulting embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus.

Does menstruation occurs after conceiving?

No, conception isn't possible during menstruation. During menstruation there is no egg present to be fertilised, although it's important to point out that a woman may still be fertile during menstruation: there may be fertile cervical mucus present, which can keep sperm alive in the vagina long enough so that there is still sperm present when a woman ovulates after menstruation.