

Is the elevator on Karachi MW2 patched?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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they patched it after the map pack came out

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Q: Is the elevator on Karachi MW2 patched?
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Im sorry but all the elevators have been patched.

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the models used to shoot farther but they patched it.

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only elevators but they are patched

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The 'Elevator' glitches have been patched. You can find a new way, but I guarantee you will get banned by me or Robert Bowling. Source: I'm an Activision PlayStation Network Community Manager

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It is now patched with all other elevator glitches.

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Indeed it has

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no, wall breaches and elevators still work. elevators can't be patched

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There are no cheats on Mw2, but there are some hacks like 10th prestige for example, but they are patched, but you can still find some on ps3