

Is the end of the world really going to happen?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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That depends on what one actually believes- but most think there eventually will be an end to the world. Only God knows exactly how and when it will happen.

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Q: Is the end of the world really going to happen?
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What possible way can the world end?

earthquake or other ways. There are many ways for the world to end, but its not going to happen. nobody really knows when the world is going to end.

Is the end of the world really going to happen on December 21 2012?

No it is not so do not panic,the world will not end in 2012.

Does 2012 really going to happen?

The Olympics in London with occur sometime not in the winter.

What do you think is going to happen in 2012?

I have actually spoken to a mayan. 2012 will not be the end of the world first off. He said in 2012 there will be a change, but it will not be the end of the world. We do not exactly know what is going to happen on 2012. some people say world is going to end but some say it is not going to happen. The truth is if its really going to happen, before that particular incident happens several disastrous would take place. Hence if we are patient we would come to know the truth.

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eventually, with jesus' second coming. but no one really knows when it could happen...

Is the end of the world going to happen in 2012?


Is the world really going to end 2010?

no it is not it is 6:46 and nothing happen and i it was it would have ended 46 min ago

Is the end going to happen?

when ever god desieds the world will end is when it will

Is the world really going to end December 21?

No, the world didn't end.

Is anything really going to happen in 2012?

The world will definitely end eventually. For example: The sun will eventually burn out, just like all stars do. That will totally mean the end for us. But it isnt going to happen for a couple billion more years. Nobody can really predict the future and tell us that the world is going to end. The news is always jam packed with crazy stuff trying to get people excited. If the world was really going to end, you probably wouldn't hear it on the news. The TV stations would all be temporarily shut down while this would be going on anyway. The point is that the world shouldn't end for at least 1,000 years, so you really have nothing to worry about.

Is the world going to end in 5 more weeks?

No in my opinion the world is not going to end, but you never know something could happen.

Is the word really going to end on December 21 2012?

no i dont thihk the world is going to end people said the world was going to end in 2,000