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Q: Is the esophagus superior to the stomach?
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Is the stomach posterior to the esophagus?

Oesophagus connects buccal cavity and stomach.It locates superior to the stomach

The stomach is what to the spine?

The stomach is inferior (below) to the diaphragm.The diaphragm is superior (above) to the stomach.

Where does the esophagus lead to?

The esophagus leads to the stomach.

What connects the pharynx to stomach?

The pharynx is connected to the stomach by the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscular tube in which food passes from the pharynx to the stomach (Here's a fact: The esophagus is usually about 25-30cm long).

What is the is the esophagus?

The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat, or pharynx, to the stomach. It carries food from the mouth to the stomach

Is Esophagus medial to lungs and inferior to the stomach?

The oesophagus connects the pharynx to the stomach. Its runs down the middle of the thorax, posteriorly to the trachea and therefore medial to the lungs. However its connection is on the upper surface of the stomach and so is it superior to the stomach, the stomach being inferior to it.

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Is the esophagus the tube from the mouth to the stomach?


The muscular tube that leads from the mouth is the?

From the mouth to the stomach is the esophagus.

Does the esophagus lies beneath the pharnx?

The esophagus is distal to and inferior to the pharynx. The pharynx is proximal and superior to the esophagus.

Passageway for food that is behind the trachea?

The esophagus is the tube from pharynx to stomach.

Use esophagus in a sentence?

The esophagus links the throat to the stomach.