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The Flute is in three pieces but it's made out of many many small pieces.

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Q: Is the flute made in 3 pieces?
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Related questions

What is the appearance and sound of a flute like?

A flute is silver, about 2 feet long, and is made up of 3 pieces that are put together. The flute has a very pure sound. It somewhat resembles the sound of someone whistling.

How many pieces does the flute have altogether?

A flute in total has 150 pieces according to one floutest who has been playing for 22 years. She on her web site stated the different weights of the Boehn flute which is the most common today have any other questions Google Pieces of a flute and she will break it down for you.

What is a flute usually made from?

the flute is generally made of wood

Where was the pan flute made?

the pan flute was made in Greece

How did the first flute get made?

The first flute was made by Bohem

What is the flute made out of from today?

Today, a flute is normally made out of metal.

Is the flute made of metal?

If it is a real flute, then yes it is made of metal.

What is the Egyptian flute made out of?

an Egyptian flute is made out of bamboo and wood

What are the pieces of mucsic Mozart wrote?

I can't answer that because he made 626 compositions. BUT..... one of his most famous compositions of all times is the Magic Flute.

Where was the pan flute?

the pan Flute was made in Greece

When was the flute first made?

The first flute was made over 5,000 years ago. It was made out of bone. The first metal flute was made in 1830 by Theobald Boehm.

Why is the flute called a flute?

The flute is called a flute for one main reason. That it was made in German lands and it was called a flute to be distinguished from the recorder.