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The first Flute was made over 5,000 years ago. It was made out of bone. The first metal flute was made in 1830 by Theobald Boehm.

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15y ago

in the 1830s

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Q: When was the flute first made?
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How did the first flute get made?

The first flute was made by Bohem

Was the flute the first instrument made?

There is strong evidence that the flute was not the first instrument made. It was almost certainly some kind of drum. These were made by the cavemen, made out of animal skin, sticks, grass and clay.

What year was the flute made?

The flute was made about 3000 years ago, But the first one was made in the 1830sdone by cklein

When was the first flute made in India?


Was the Flute invented in the 1800s?

No, the first flute made its appearance during the Medieval era. It was first introduced in Germany and acquired the name "German Flute". The first documentation, or pictures, of the flute showed up in the 12th century.

When did the flute first appear?

The very first flute to appear was in the 1790's. That was the very first one so it was made out of wood, not brass.

Where was the flute born?

Flute like instruments were first seen in early cave drawings but the flute was probably made somewhere in central Asia

When was the first musical insterment invented?

Archaeologists believe it was the flute, made from bone.

What was the first flute made of?

The first Flute we know of was made of bone. It dates back over 40,000 years and was discovered in Slovenia. Use the link below for more information.

What materials was the flute constructed when it was first used or introduced?

Many years ago the flute origonated and was made of bone or wood!

Where did flutes originate?

the flute was heard to have originated in a cave near Ulm in Germany. but many scientists thought that the first flute was a bear bone. the first flute was found in a cave and was made out of a vultures wing bone

What is a flute usually made from?

the flute is generally made of wood