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its is different ok :)

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Q: Is the force and gravitational force poles and equator is same or different?
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How does rotation affect the value of gravity at the earth surface?

Rotation causes a centrifugal force that slightly reduces the effective gravity at the Earth's equator, making it lower than at the poles. This effect is small compared to the overall gravitational pull of the Earth. As a result, gravity is slightly weaker at the equator and stronger at the poles due to the Earth's rotation.

How are the suns rays different at the equator compared to the poles?

Only in the angle of incidence.

Which planet exerts the greatest pull of gravity?

Gravity is strongest at the poles of the earth because at the equator, the earth bulges out slightly. That puts objects at the equator "a bit farther away" from the earth, so they will be "pulled on less" owing to the fact that they are not as close.Gravity is influenced by the distance from the center of gravity and the mass of the object. The closer you are to the center of the earth, the greater the gravitational pull will be (and vice-versa).

If earth did not rotate could you define the celestial poles and celestial equator?

If Earth did not rotate, the celestial poles would align with the geographic poles, and the celestial equator would align with Earth's equator. The celestial poles are points in the sky that the Earth's axis points towards, and the celestial equator is an imaginary line in the sky directly above the Earth's equator. Without Earth's rotation, these references would be fixed in the sky.

Do the poles receive much gravity?

Yes, the poles receive the same amount of gravity as any other location on Earth. Gravity is determined by the mass of the planet and distance from its center, so the gravitational pull at the poles is the same as at the equator.

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Where the gravitational force is greater in equator poles or Mt. Everest?


How the gravitational acceleration will change when you move from equator to north or south pole on the surface of earth?

The gravitational acceleration will decrease slightly as you move from the equator to the poles due to the Earth's shape (oblate spheroid). This is because the centrifugal force is greater at the equator compared to the poles, which causes a slight decrease in the net gravitational force experienced at the equator.

Is gravitational potential maximum at poles or at equator?

Gravitational potential is maximum at poles.

Where is the strengh of gravitational forcen in the poles or equator?

If the Earth were a (homogeneous) sphere, the gravitational force on its surface would be the same everywhere. I think that the gravitational force is slightly larger at the equator (center bulging Earth). But you might not measure it because of the rotation of the Earth.

Why does the weight of an object change when it is moved from the equator to the poles?

The weight of an object changes when it is moved from the equator to the poles due to the variation in gravitational force caused by the Earth's rotation. The force of gravity is slightly stronger at the poles compared to the equator, leading to a small change in weight.

Is gravity or gravitational force on the poles or on the equation is same or different?


What is the value of g when Equator moves towards pole?

The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) decreases as you move from the Equator towards the poles due to the centrifugal force caused by the Earth's rotation. At the Equator, this force counteracts some of the gravitational force, resulting in a lower g value compared to the poles.

What has a higher gravitational pull the equator or the north pole?

The gravitational pull of the earth is pretty much the same anywhere between the poles and the equator creating a centripetal force pulling things in towards the earth.. However, the rotation of the planet results in an outward centrifugal force pushing things away from the earth. This force is greatest at the equator. Even though the gravitational pull is the same everywhere, the centrifugal force at the equator gives the impression of a very slightly lower gravitational pull.

Is centrifugal force is more at equator than poles?

No, centrifugal force is greater at the poles than at the equator because the Earth's rotation causes a bulging effect at the equator that counteracts the centrifugal force. This is why objects weigh slightly less at the equator compared to the poles.

Which best explains why the weight of an object is less at the equator than at the poles?

The equator is farther from the Earth's axis of rotation, leading to a weaker gravitational pull due to the centrifugal force from the Earth's rotation. This decrease in gravitational force at the equator results in a slightly lower weight for objects compared to the poles.

A person weighs less at the equator than at the poles The main reason for this has to do with?

The main reason a person weighs less at the equator than at the poles is due to the centrifugal force exerted by the Earth's rotation. This force is stronger at the equator because of the greater distance from the axis of rotation, effectively counteracting a small portion of the gravitational pull.

Why is the gravitational field strength stronger at the poles?

The gravitational field strength is stronger at the poles because the centrifugal force is weakest at the poles due to the Earth's rotation. This means that the gravitational force can act more effectively. As a result, objects weigh slightly more at the poles compared to the equator.