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Q: Is the forward sliding of a lumbar vertebra over the vertebra below it?
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Is spondylolisthesis the forward movement of the body of one of the lower lumbar vertebra on the vertebra below it or on the sacrum?

Spondylolisthesis is the forward displacement of one vertebra over the one beneath it. It commonly occurs in the lower lumbar region, especially between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the first sacral vertebra (L5-S1).

What is the forward slipping movement of a lower lumbar vertebra's lower body on the vertebra or sacrum below it?


Where in the body does the spinal cord end?

The spinal cord ends at the level of the first lumbar vertebra, which is just below the level of the ribs.

How can you distinguish a lumbar vertebra from a cervical vertebra?

the nerve cord is enclosed while a invertabrae nerve is opened

What is lordotic curvature?

An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. For the source and more detailed information concerning this request, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. For the source and more detailed information concerning this request, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. For the source and more detailed information concerning this request, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. For the source and more detailed information concerning this request, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. For the source and more detailed information concerning this request, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. For the source and more detailed information concerning this request, click on the related links section ( indicated below this answer box.

What is vacuum phenomenon with retrolisthesis of L5 on S1 of approximately 3MM?

The lowest lumbar vertebra has slid backwards by 3mm compared to the backbone below it, causing a change in the appearance of the disk between them.

Why is the arachnoid membrane the site for a lumbar puncture?

The arachnoid mata is not the site of a lumbar puncture. The site of a lumbar puncture is between the level of L4 and L5 vertebra in the lumbar section of the spine. This is used because at this point and below, there is no spinal cord to damage. The LP draws a liquid known as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the meninges surrounding the spinal cord in order to examine for infection risk mainly.

What is lumber in the human body?

The lumbar spine is the lower back that begins below the last thoracic vertebra (T12) and ends at the top of the sacral spine, or sacrum (S1). Most people have 5 lumbar levels (L1-L5), although it is not unusual to have 6. Each lumbar spinal level is numbered from top to bottom—L1 through L5, or L6.13-

What part of the vertebral column receives the most stress by bearing most of the weight of the body?

The lumbar vertebrae in the abdoninal region The segment, or group, of vertebrae that bear the most weight in the body is at the lumbosacral joint between lumbar vertebra number five (L5) and the sacrum.

Can someone have 6 lumbar vertebrae?

Yes. This is due to a normal variant in the development of the spine called lumbarization. This occurs when the first segment of the sacral spine (which is just below L5 and normally referred to as S1) fails to fuse with the sacrum, resulting in what appears to be a 6th lumbar vertebra, an L6.The result of this 6th lumbar vertebra is merely an extra movable segment in the spine and is generally not considered an abnormality or anything that needs to be treated.

What is bone marrow edema within the right L5 pedicle mean?

The L5 is the fifth lumbar vertebra. The pedicle is an extension from it. Bone marrow is normally found in many bones and is a place where red blood cells are made. The edema is a swelling due to fluid and can be very painful. See the link below for the anatomy of the vertebra and its' parts:

What is multilevel lumbar degeneration with minimal broad disc protrusion at L1 - L2?

Multilevel = it's happening at several places in your spine Lumbar = the area below and about where a belt would go on your back Degeneration = it's wearing out / going bad / breaking down Minimal = small Broad = it's a smooth bump, not a knob disc = between each vertebra there's a layer of sinewy, slightly squishy stuff, roughly in the shape of a disc to provide some cushioning, flexibility and to prevent bone-on-bone contact Protrusion = sticking out L1 - L2 = lumbar vertebra 1 and lumbar vertebra 2. The detailed anatomical name for exactly where your biggest problem is So, your spine has started to go bad in several places. And between the vertebra L1/L2 the disc has swelled a little and formed a low, smooth lump extending over the line where a perfectly healthy disc should be.