

Is the frequency of a human ear 20khz?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Is the frequency of a human ear 20khz?
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What frequencies do ultrasonic sounds have?

The frequency range of ultrasound from 1 to 20 MH.

Describe infrasonic and ultrasonic waves and explain why humans can not hear them?

The human ear cannot detect all possible frequencies. It has evolved to detect frequencies of sounds that are the most useful to humans, and has a maximum frequency range of about 20Hz to 20kHz, which decreases as you get older, particularly at the higher end. Infrasonic describes sounds that are too low in frequency to be heard by the human ear, and ultrasonic describes sounds that are too high in frequency to be heard by the human ear. These sounds cannot be heard by the human ear because they are outside of its range of capability.

What is the loudest sound a human can hear?

20,000 Hz (20kHz) is the (ideal) highest FREQUENCY that a healthy human ear can hear. With regard to loud sounds, a sound LEVEL of 120 decibel (dB) causes pain, and a level of 140 dB causes deafness.

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Frequency response of the human ear?

The average response of a human ear at the ear drum is flat to about 500 Hz with a peak around 2.5KHz.

Which sound have the highest pitch?

The one with highest frequency. The limit of human hearing is 20khz. Sounds can be made at much higher frequencies.

What is the beat frequency sensible for human ear?

7 hz

What is the bandwidth of a circuit with a frequency of 5MHz and a q factor of 250?

I think it might be 20KHz. Q= frequency over bandwidth

How does the frequency of light compare to the frequency of sound?

-- The highest frequency of sound audible to the human ear is of the order of 20,000 Hz.-- The lowest frequency of light visible to the human eye is of the order of 375,000,000,000,000 Hz.

How high is the human hearing?

20Hz to 20kHz or 20,000Hz

What is audio output frequency?

Audio output frequency is that range of frequencies that can be heard. For humans, that is generally considered to be the range of 20Hz to 20kHz.

What does 55Hz-20KHz mean in speakers?

It's the range of frequencies the speakers are capable of emitting. 50Hz-20KHz is the 'normal' range of human hearing.