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The umbilical cord delivers oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and removes wastes.

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Q: Is the function of the umbilical cord to let oxygen into the fetus?
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Related questions

What takes nutrients and oxygen to the fetus?

The umbilical cord takes nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

What organ serve as respiratory organ for the fetus?

The umbilical cord supplies the fetus' oxygen.

How does a developing human fetus obtain its nourishment and oxygen?

Umbilical cord

What gives the fetus nourishment and oxygen durning pregnanacy?

The umbilical cord.

When does a fetus get food before birth?

With mammals, the fetus has a connection by its umbilical cord to an organ of the mother, called the placenta. Blood passes through the umbilical cord to the fetus, carrying food and oxygen. The umbilical cord is attached to the fetus at a point you will later call your navel or belly button.

What is the umbilical cord and what is it purpose?

Umbilical cord is the life line for the fetus. Fetus gets oxygen and nutrition via umbilical cord. The metabolic waste and the carbon bi oxide is taken away back to the mother via umbilical cord. It is very interesting to know about the fetal circulation in detail.

What is the tube that provides the fetus with food and oxygen and removes waste?

umbilical cord

How do nutrients move from mother to the fetus?

They are transported from the placenta through the umbilical cord to the fetus. The baby takes nutrients and oxygen from the mother's blood, which travel's through the umbilical cord to the baby

Why is the umbilical cord necessary?

The placenta has the job of taking everything from your body that the baby needs (ie: oxygen from the blood, nutrients, etc) and filters it out... the umbilical cord carries these 'needs' to the baby so he/she can grow healthy :)

When the lungs do not function in a fetal pig what takes over their function?

The placenta. Deoxygenated blood flows to the placenta where the carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen added. Oxygen rich blood returns to the fetus. Blood is carried to and from the fetus by the umbilical cord.

Does a child in the womb breathe?

No; the fetus gets its oxygen from the mother, via the umbilical cord.

How does a fetus receive food and oxygen and get rid of wastes?

Through the umbilical cord and placenta