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Q: Is the goal of science able to obtain information that is workable?
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Where can I find information about forensic science certification online?

The ACFEI is the largest forensic science membership association and as such will be able to offer you a wealth of information. You could also try contacting local colleges for local information.

How OBTAIN THE address of pan card holder?

If you are looking for information on how to obtain the address of a PAN card holder, I would recommend visiting the company's website and sending them an email so they may be able to help you. Only they are able to access records with information such as a card holder's address.

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The best place to obtain information on starting the healthiest diet plan for yourself is to speak with your doctor. Your doctor is the one who will be able to tell you what the healthiest diet plan is for yourself.

where can i obtain information on college grants?

You can visit for information on many grants and scholarships that you may be able to apply for, right on this website.

Where do you obtain 2004 earnings?

It depends on what earnings you are referring to. You should be able to get the infomration from your employer. If all your earnings were reportable to Social Security, you should be able to get the information from them. If you filed taxes, IRS will have the information in their files also.

Is there anything faster imaginable than the speed of light?

With current empirical science nothing is known to be able to travel faster than light. However theoretical science is able to consider faster than light speeds. ____ Imaginable, sure. :) Lots of Science Fiction writers and scientific theorists have talked about FTL (faster-than-light) travel. We have a ways to go before we find out if those things are actually workable in the real world, but they are definitely imaginable. :)

Where can one find information on ores?

You will find information on ores on a website that is science orientated. How stuff works is a good place to look for information and they will be able to give you a direct definition of what they are.