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It is generally a poor form of communication, since information could be second-hand or third-hand and even conflated with other rumors. It is, however, sometimes the only source when the normal means of obtaining information have been shut down, or when a cover-up takes place.

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Mortimer Welch

Lvl 10
2y ago
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VS Waterproofing

Lvl 7
9mo ago

Rapid Spread of Information: The grapevine can transmit information quickly, often faster than formal communication channels, which might be particularly helpful in urgent or time-sensitive situations.

Flexibility and Adaptability: Informal communication allows for the exchange of ideas and opinions in a less structured manner. This can lead to creative problem-solving and quick adaptations to changing circumstances.

Building Relationships: The grapevine can foster a sense of community and camaraderie among individuals who share information through informal networks. It can help strengthen interpersonal relationships and trust among colleagues.

Disadvantages of the Grapevine:

Inaccuracy: Information passed through the grapevine can be distorted, exaggerated, or completely false. Rumors and gossip may lead to misunderstandings and incorrect decisions being made.

Lack of Control: Organizations have little to no control over the grapevine, which can lead to the spread of sensitive or confidential information, potentially damaging the reputation of individuals or the organization itself.

Bypassing Formal Channels: Relying solely on the grapevine for communication might undermine the official communication channels, leading to a breakdown in organizational structure and clear information flow.

Negative Impact: Gossip and rumors propagated through the grapevine can lead to a toxic work environment, hurt feelings, and damaged relationships. They can also distract from important tasks and goals.

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Abdul Hamid

Lvl 3
1y ago

Grapevine is a channel through which the actual communication between various troops of the organization takes place and gives out the desired outcome. Since it is unstructured and not under complete control of management, it moves through the organization in every direction.

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Lvl 4
1y ago


Things often get lost in translation. Other times, there are just idiots spreading rumors and lies. You should only trust the information you receive if it is

first-hand or from a trusted source.

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Aleigh Kempf

Lvl 5
1y ago

Grapevine communication is an informal method of communicating, so businesses and management professionals often try to use formal communication channels for important news instead. Because this type of communication originates from casual social interaction, it's often inevitable for workplaces

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Vivek Reddy

Lvl 2
1y ago

It depends. The grapevine, or informal communication network, can be quick and efficient for spreading information within a group. However, it can also lead to misunderstandings and the spread of misinformation, since the information is not verified or controlled. In formal settings, it is important to use official channels for communication to ensure accuracy and accountability. ʰᵗᵗᵖˢ://ʷʷʷ.ᵈⁱᵍⁱˢᵗᵒʳᵉ²⁴.ᶜᵒᵐ/ʳᵉᵈⁱʳ/³⁷²⁵⁷⁶/ⱽⁱᵛᵉᵏ¹⁷¹/

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Lvl 7
1y ago

The grapevine, also known as informal communication or rumor mill, is a form of communication that spreads information among individuals in an organization or social group through unofficial channels. It typically occurs through word-of-mouth and informal discussions rather than through formal channels like official announcements or memos.

While the grapevine can be a powerful and efficient means of communication, it also has its limitations and potential drawbacks. Here are some points to consider:

Advantages of the grapevine:

1. Speed: Information can spread quickly through the grapevine, often faster than through formal channels.

2. Flexibility: It allows for informal and spontaneous communication, which can foster creativity and innovation.

3. Relationship Building: The grapevine can strengthen interpersonal relationships and build social bonds within an organization or community.

4. Emotional Support: It provides an outlet for sharing thoughts, concerns, and emotions, offering a sense of belonging and support.

Disadvantages of the grapevine:

1. Lack of Accuracy: Information shared through the grapevine may be distorted, exaggerated, or entirely false, leading to misinformation and misunderstandings.

2. Lack of Control: As a form of informal communication, organizations have limited control over the content and direction of the grapevine.

3. Potential for Gossip and Rumors: The grapevine can sometimes promote gossip, rumors, and negativity, which can impact morale and productivity.

4. Incomplete Information: Messages may be incomplete or fragmented as they pass through multiple individuals, leading to incomplete understanding.

Overall, the grapevine can be both beneficial and problematic depending on the context and the nature of the information being shared. While it can provide a valuable source of informal communication and social connections, it's important to supplement it with formal channels to ensure accurate and timely information dissemination within an organization.

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Is the grapevine a good or bad means of communication justify the answer?

The grapevine is a unofficial channel of communication. The information can frequently be inaccurate since it is passed from person to person and is usually based on rumors.

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Origin of grapevine communication?

Grapevine communication originated at the moment humans learned how to speak.

What does grapevine communication mean?

this is a communication barrier characterized by false information or hearsays. gossip As in, "I heard it through the grapevine..." Grapevine communication is a form of informal business communication, which develops within an organization.

Is grapevine a good means of cmmunication?

No, grapevine is a major root of rumours and false information.

What is grapevine communications?

gossip As in, "I heard it through the grapevine..." Grapevine communication is a form of informal business communication, which develops within an organization.It means gossip, usually gossip that spreads and covers a lot of ground (a lot of people), much like vines do.

What is grapvine communication?

Grapevine communication is simply word-of-mouth transmission of information, e.g. "I heard it on the grapevine".

Should you cultivate grapevine communication or try to curb its growth?

To curb or cultivate grapevine communication will depend on the type of information that is being passed around. If the communication is putting the company in a negative light, they will want to curb the grapevine. If the grapevine communication is positive, they might let it go and do nothing.

Advantages and disadvantages of grapevine communication?

The advantage of grapevine communication is that it relays information fast. The disadvantage is that the information is usually unverified.

Why organisations can't avoid grapevine communication?

Because people talk, unavoidably. However grapevine communication can be used to a companies advantage.

What do you mean by grapevine type of communication?

Its basically a gossip type of communication

What is grapevine network?

Grapevine is an informal network of communication within an organisation, also termed by many as"rumors" or "gossip", such as over the water-cooler communication etc. Around 70% of all communication in an organisation is done through the grapevine network and it is considered by researchers to be highly accurate.