

Is the hair on your head dead?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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11y ago

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Yes it is dead on the end of your head but is pushed out by the sacalp and the end of the head is dead...

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Why do you have hair on the head?

Hair is made up of dead cells, so when they die, that's where they end up .

Does your hair grow if you cut it?

the hair on your head will still grow, but the hair you cut off from your head will not. Hair is just dead skin cells, so when it isn't attached to something feeding it more cells, it will not grow

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lice eat dead skin in your hair/head but i don't know why.

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The roots, as soon as it leaves the scalp it is dead

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No the hair itself is actually dead cells, just like the finger and toe nails. The root of the hair is supplied with blood but not the hair. I disagree.. Your hair is alive, that is how it grows. Your hair breathes!!

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No. Hair is dead stuff hanging off your head. The only hair that could be affected is the hair inside the follicle, still being formed.

Does cuting hair make it grow faster?

i think it does... by cutting your hair you are getting rid of all the damaged and split ends... which are dead weight on your head... by getting rid of the dead hair you are enabling the healthy hair to breathe and by breathing, they can grow freely without any hinderances.

Is hair dead?

yes hair is dead

Is hair follicle dead?

No. Hair is dead. Hair follicles are the only alive part of the hair. They're what grow and contribute their dead cells to hair growth.

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