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Not necessarily. The heart rate of a dog can be influenced by a variety of factors, including stress, excitement and exercise. But the heart beat of a dog should not "jump". If a dog's heart beat is maintaining a consistent rhythm of around 100 bpm, and then suddenly "jumps" followed by returning to normal, it could be a heart murmur. They are generally harmless, but can become quite severe. Call your veterinarian and ask him/her to ask listen to your dog's heart.

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Q: Is the heart rate of a dog supposed to be consistent?
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What is the heart rate of a dog?

For a puppy, the average heart rate is 120-160 beats per minute. For dogs up to 30 lbs., the heart rate is 100-160 and for dogs over 30 lbs. the heart rate is 60-100 beats per minute.

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