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Yes, in the absence of air resistance, which is the way the situation is always

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6d ago

Yes, the horizontal component of a projectile's velocity is constant and independent of time as long as there is no external horizontal force acting on the object.

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11y ago

No. They're independent.

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Q: Is the horizontal component of a projectiles velocity independent of time?
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Does horizontal velocity effect the rate of vertical velocity?

No, horizontal velocity does not affect the rate of vertical velocity. Each component of velocity (horizontal and vertical) is independent of the other. They act separately to determine the motion of an object.

What dose it mean to say a projectiles horizontal and vertical velocity are independent or each other?

For practical purposes, it means that you can calculate them independent of one another.

How is the horizontal component of velocity for a projectile affected by the vertical component?

The horizontal component of velocity for a projectile is not affected by the vertical component. They are independent of each other. The horizontal velocity remains constant as long as there are no external forces acting on the projectile.

How do you find vertical and horizontal components when given the initial velocity?

If the initial velocity is v, at an angle x to the horizontal, then the vertical component is v*sin(x) and the horizontal component is v*cos(x).

What type of motion describes the horizontal component of a projectile?

The horizontal component of a projectile follows uniform motion, meaning it moves at a constant velocity in the absence of air resistance or other forces. This motion is independent of the vertical motion of the projectile.

A projectile is thrown with an initial velocity which has a horizontal component of 4 m s What will be its horizontal speed after 3s?

A projectile that is thrown with an initial velocity,that has a horizontal component of 4 m/s, its horizontal speed after 3s will still be 4m/s.

Why does the vertical component of velocity for a projectile change with time where as the horizontal component of velocity doesn't?

The vertical component of velocity changes due to the influence of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downwards as it moves. The horizontal component of velocity remains constant because there is no horizontal force acting on the projectile, assuming air resistance is negligible.

Which of the velocity component of projectile changes and other remain constant why?

The vertical velocity component changes due to the effect of gravity, which causes acceleration in the downward direction. The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming air resistance is negligible).

Where A Particle Is Projected Along A Linear Plane. The Horizontal Component Of The Velocity Is Twice The Vertical Component What Is The Initial Magnitude Of The Velocity And The Angle At Which It Is?

The initial velocity is sqrt(5) times the vertical component, and its angle relative to the horizontal direction, is 0.46 radians (26.6 degrees).

Why if the object moves as a projectile the X component of the velocity is constant and the Y component change at the same rate?

In projectile motion, the only acceleration acting on the object is in the vertical direction due to gravity. This causes the vertical component of velocity to change over time while the horizontal component remains constant since there is no acceleration acting in the horizontal direction.

What is a vertical projectile?

One that goes directly up - the velocity having no horizontal component.

Why does a force of gravity has no effect on horizontal component of velocity?

The force of gravity only acts vertically, causing objects to accelerate downward. It does not affect the horizontal motion of an object. This means that an object will continue moving horizontally at a constant velocity, unaffected by gravity, as long as no other forces are acting on it in the horizontal direction.